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A Guide to Chairing, Exhorting and Public Speaking.

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1 A Guide to Chairing, Exhorting and Public Speaking

2 The purpose of a Seminar or Lecture is:
The Role of our Meetings The purpose of a Seminar or Lecture is: Teach the Gospel & First Principles of the Bible to interested friends and young people (1Cor 3:2; Heb 5:12) Create a desire to learn God’s Word and Purpose by growing in understanding (2Peter 3:16) A well conducted Seminar or Lecture will aid the audience in paying attention to the Speaker and his Subject. It will therefore aid in the process of learning

3 Preparing a Seminar or Lecture
Public Speaking in General Careful thought should always be given to any talk presented. Knowing your subject is the foundation of a good Exhortation, Bible Class or Lecture/Seminar Map out what you want to say under various headings Have a broad overview of what you want to present

4 Preparing a Seminar or Lecture
All talks should have 3 basic sections Introduction Exposition or argument (develop theme step by step) Conclusion and Appeal

5 The Bible is the Word of God
2 Timothy 3: … from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. See also 2Pet 1:19-21; Heb 1:1-2 The Bible is a record of God’s revelation to man about Himself, His will and purpose, and what He requires of us Keys to Understanding the Bible

6 The Glory of God is His Character
The Purpose of God Numbers 14:21 But truly, as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the LORD God has a purpose with all the earth He intends that one day it will be filled with His glory His existence is a guarantee of achieving this The Glory of God is His Character Keys to Understanding the Bible

7 Preparing a Seminar or Lecture
Preparation is the Key to success Select a subject/title a long time prior to presentation to ensure adequate preparation time Preparation must be thorough – study your subject to have a full command Use study aids – Concordances, Dictionaries, Maps, Works of the Truth Meditation on that section of the Word Prayer to our Heavenly Father for guidance & strength

8 Preparing a Seminar or Lecture
A clear theme & progressive reasoning must be given to the Lecture/Seminar Make headings as an overview of what you intend to present in your allotted time If part of a progressive theme with other lectures, be sure to make a link Remember – Introduction, Exposition & Conclusion with an Appeal Keep it simple – this is for the Interested friend or Young People (1Cor 3:2; Heb 5:12) Show the value of searching God’s Word Avoid quoting many Scriptures, but limit to those you intend to expound

9 Preparing a Seminar or Lecture
The use of a White Board to illustrate can be helpful to engage the audience attention, and to simplify what you are saying The same applies to the Black Board – Cheaper to maintain The Flip Chart – large sheets of paper are useful and can be referred back to or retained The data projector is very useful – but requires also access to a computer

10 We are seeking Bereans! Acts 17:(10),11 The Jews at Berea who heard Paul: These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so. Keys to Understanding the Bible

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