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Adlerian Therapy.

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Presentation on theme: "Adlerian Therapy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adlerian Therapy

2 Adler’s Theory of Personality
These four factors impact the development of personality. Lifestyle Social interest Birth order Inferiority and Superiority

3 Lifestyle The lifestyles are based on 1. Social interest
2. Degree of activity and energy

4 Four types of lifestyles
the Socially Useful type the Ruling type the Getting type the Avoiding type

5 Social Interest Social interest: _________________
Community feeling: _______________

6 Birth Order Oldest child: ____________ Second of only two: ___________
Middle: ____________ Youngest: _____________ Only child: _________________

7 Inferiority and Superiority
The striving for __________ is natural. Superiority is to __________ in order to overcome ______________. People may try to present themselves ____________ when they actually ____________.

8 View of Human Nature Stress __________, _____________, and the ____________________. Focus on _______________---motivated to become successful (superiority) Focus on __________________

9 Basic Mistake (Private Logic)
Overgeneralizations False or Impossible goals of security Misperceptions of life and life’s demands Minimization or denial of one’s basic worth Faulty values

10 Personality priorities (see handout)
Superiority (or significance) Control Comfort Pleasing

11 Therapeutic Goals Building a _______________________
_________________ is the most powerful method for a person to change Changing ______________________ (private logic, self-defeating behaviors)

12 Therapist’s function and role
Identify ____________________________ Conduct ______________ Focus on ___________________ Develop____________________

13 Client’s Experience in Therapy
Are not aware of __________________ Do not know ___________________ Fear of letting go _______________ for unpredictable _______________ Cling to _____________ although they are maladaptive

14 Relationship b/w Therapist & Client
Cooperation, mutual trust, respect Making a contract with clients Write down __________________ What is preventing __________________ How to change _____________________ How to make ______________________

15 Therapeutic Techniques & Procedures
1. Establishing the relationship Deeply ____________________ Identify ____________________ Increase _______________________ Focus on ______________________ (basic mistake or private logic)

16 Therapeutic Techniques & Procedures
2. Exploring _______________________ through Family dynamics and Constellation Early Recollections Dream Basic mistake or private logic and its motivation Personality priorities

17 Therapeutic Techniques & Procedures
3. Encouraging self-understanding and insight Insight: ______________________________ Disclosure and interpretations: _____________________________________

18 Therapeutic Techniques & Procedures
4. Helping with reorientation Putting _____________________ Increasing ___________________ Decreasing ____________________

19 Therapeutic Techniques & Procedures
4. Helping with reorientation Encouragement Search for __________________ Making_________________

20 From multicultural perspectives: contributions
Social equality, sensitive to cultural and gender issues Focusing on a person in a __________context Social interests, sense of belonging, cooperation (instead of competition) Focusing on ___________ Subjective experience (unique world of a person)

21 From multicultural perspectives: limitations
________as the locus of change may be problematic for some clients Detailed ___________________ may violate some cultural values Some clients may expect therapists to _____________________ to the problems

22 Summary and evaluation: contributions
Integrative, short-term, psycho-educational focus, and combining system and cognitive perspective Forerunner of ___________ and _____________________ of psychology

23 Summary and evaluation: Limitations
Too ____________ Limited ______________________ Limited for clients who seek _____________, have __________________, and who do __________________________________

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