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F, Ks, , and X production at 200 GeV d+Au collisions from STAR

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1 F, Ks, , and X production at 200 GeV d+Au collisions from STAR
Xiangzhou Cai, Yugang Ma, Hai Jiang, Jingguo Ma for the STAR Collaboration Shanghai INstitute of Applied Physics (SINAP) University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) Outline Motivations for measuring Ks,  and f Analysis details of dAu analysis (Ks, f, L, X, K*, Kink-K) Spectra, fit function and comparison Rcp, RdAu, Cronin effect and recombination model Summary PAs: Lee Barnby, Xiangzhou Cai, Magali Estienne, Hai Jiang, Camelia Mironov, Lijuan Ruan, Frank Simon, Nu Xu, Haibin Zhang

2 Motivation & Introduction
1) Particle dependence of RAA/Rcp and v2 from Au+Au collisions is observed. How about RAA/Rcp in dAu? particle type or mass dependence? (Rcp for Ks, , and ). 2) The Cronin effect has been considered as due to initial parton scattering. Should the Cronin effect be influenced by the final state particle formation dynamics? 3) Transverse momentum production: <pT> versus multiplicity mf~1019 MeV/c2 ; mL~1116 MeV/c2; mKs~498 MeV/c2

3  production in AuAu and pp
200 GeV f meson production from both AuAu and pp collisions are analysed by Jingguo Ma. 200 GeV f meson production from dAu is also necessary for further understanding: f production mechanism particle dependence of nuclear modification factor

4 Data Sets and Event Cuts
dAu 200GeV STAR MuDst P03a: MinBias and Combined Event Trigger ID: or 2003 Primary Vertex Position: -50cm<z<50cm Track nFitPts: > 15 |eta|: < 1.0 Kaon Pt range: 0.1GeV < Pttrack < 4.0GeV

5 Centrality definition of dAu
Multiplicity FTPC East in d+Au collisions STAR Preliminary 40-100% 20-40% 0-20% 1)dE/dx identify stable charged particles in a certain momentum range. 2)Unstable particles identified by decay topology or event mixing method. Three Multiplicity Bins are defined by the Nch per event in FTPC East After cut: ~ 10 Million events

6 |VertexZ| < 50cm, with Primary vertex found, good run
Event Selection: |VertexZ| < 50cm, with Primary vertex found, good run After cuts, # of Events ~ 10M Decay mode: Ks =>p + + p (68.6%) X-  L + p (99.9%) p+ + p - (63.9%) =>K + + K - (49.1%) K* =>K + p (100%) Ks, L, X are reconstructed using topology cuts, like decay length, dca-v0-primV Daughter tracks are NOT identified when pt>1.1 GeV/c, but v0 can be identified at much higher pT. f ,K*: event mixing p+ Decay point - Primary Vertex X-

7 Ks and  reconstruction & Topology cuts
- - p+ + Track 1 Decay point Decay point Track 2 Ks Primary Vertex Primary Vertex Ks and  are V0 particles: decay length: Ks = cm  = 7.89 cm In TPC, neutral Ks and  are reconstructed from charged particles: p, K and p (See above sketch). Topology Cuts (See the right sketch) |vertexZ|<50cm DcaV0: between two daughter tracks < 0.7cm DcaImpact (distance between V0 and Primary vertex) < 0.75 cm () , and < 0.6cm (Ks) Decay length (distance between primary vertex and V0 decay point) > 2 cm (Ks and ) DcaV0 Decay length DcaImpact

8 K+K- pair invariant mass
Invariant mass distribution of f meson Phi For 40~100% centrality bin at |y|<0.5 and 0.4<pt<1.3GeV/c. Red line is the same-event distribution. Black line is the normalized mixed-event distribution. background subtracted Measurements in dAu collisions Mass = ±0.5MeV/c2, FWHM=7.31.1 MeV/c2

9 K+K- pair invariant mass
Misidentified Ks Phi background subtracted pp collisions Measured Mass=1019 MeV/c2, FWHM=7.10.3 MeV/c2

10 Invariant mass plots Without background subtraction
|y|<1 0.4 <pt< 6.0 |y|<0.5 0.4 <pt< 1.3 f Without background subtraction Ks, L, X : topology cuts; f: event mixing The quality of signals are pretty good. |y|<1 0.4 <pt< 6.0 |y|<1 0.6 <pt< 5.0

11 Efficiency Correction of f, Ks and 
STAR Preliminary The efficiency increases with Pt and becomes flat when Pt is up to 2GeV/c2 The error bar of each efficiency correction is less than 5%. Weak multiplicity dependence. The difference of efficiency correction between different centrality bins is small than the error.

12 Comparison of different Fits
Spectra for MinBias Phi production in dAu exp fit covering low pt end and power-law fit covering high pt region. Double exponential fit can reproduce the experimental data better than other two functions. Double exponential fit: T1: ~300MeV; T2: 1.0~1.5GeV;

13 Spectra and fits f double exp fit pT: 0.4 – 6 GeV/c. With efficiency correction (including vertex efficiency). Statistical errors only. cross point: pT~(2~4)GeV/c2. Recombination model may fit spectra well … TT(low pt)+TS(middle pt)+SS(high pt)

14 Different measurements are consistent within STAR!
Spectra comparison Different measurements are consistent within STAR! From Camelia

15 X spectra and feed-down contribution to L
X- + Xbar minbias : dN/dy = ± L + Lbar minbias (inclusive) : dN/dy = ± 0.007 If assuming X0 ~ X- and  ~ 10% X- , Then feed-down from X,  ~ *2.1= ~ ( 17% ) Consistent with the feed-down in AuAu ~ 15% (Hui, Magali’s SQD paper)

16 dN/dy vs. <Nch> dAu Minbias f, Ks, L, X increase with <Nch> in dAu and AuAu collisions.

17 <pt> vs. <Nch>
dAu Minbias <pt>: X shows no dependence of <Nch> within error bar, but f and L are different.

18 Rcp definition Rcp = (d2N/dpTd) cent/ d2N/dpTd) peri
We select three data samples: “Central”: centrality 0-20% “Semi-central”: centrality 20-40% “Peripheral”: centrality % Then we calculate the ratios Central/Peripheral as function of pT at different rapidities. Rcp = (d2N/dpTd) cent/ d2N/dpTd) peri Many corrections and systematics cancel out.

19 Rcp of f, Ks, L, X dAu 200 GeV AuAu 200 GeV TT TS SS TTT TTS+TSS SSS
STAR:  and K* behave like mesons, despite of the large mass: ReComb prediction Mesons (Ks, K, f) have the same Rcp for dAu and AuAu collisions Baryons (L, X) have the same Rcp too, but higher than mesons. Particle production at intermediate pT region is dividing by the particle’s type, not the mass. Recombination model works! Recombination model can explain the difference of Rcp between mesons and baryons for both dAu and AuAu. How? nucl-th/ , nucl-th/

20 From Fragmentation to Recombination
With more partons around: multiple parton fragmentation (higher twist) If phase space is filled with partons, recombine/coalesce them into hadrons. Use just the lowest Fock state, i.e. valence quarks: qqqB qqM

21 Recombination model of Hwa and Yang
Nucl-th/ , PRL, in press

22 Recombination model of Hwa and Yang (contd)

23 v2 Scaling Perfect scaling for all measured hadrons,
P. Sorensen Perfect scaling for all measured hadrons, some deviation for pions (from  decays) P. Sorensen Baryons are pushed further in PT

24 RdAu = (d2NdAu/dpTd) / (Ncoll d2Npp/dpTd )
Nuclear modification factor RdAu The behavior of the many-body systems we study (A-A or d-A) can be “calibrated” with a “simple system” like p-p . Borrowing from “Cronin effect” studies, we compare particle production in d-A to the scaled production in p-p: RdAu = (d2NdAu/dpTd) / (Ncoll d2Npp/dpTd ) With Ncoll being the estimated number of binary collisions as d “goes through” the Au nuclei.

25 RdAu RdAu of  is closer to that of p and k than that of p
Particle production at intermediate pT region is sorted by the particle’s type, not the mass

26 Comparison with pA collision Particle-type dependence also!
Rw/Be at pA collisions P.B Straub,PRL 68, 452(1992) W: tungsten Be: beryllium ~1.4 Rw/Be : Mesons (2 quarks): Kaon and p ~ 1.5; Baryons (3 quarks): proton ~ 2.5 Particle-type dependence also! ~1.5 ~2.5 s =38.8GeV s =27.4GeV

27 Summary Measure productions and <pt> for various particles (Ks, f, L, X, K*, Kink-K) in dAu collisions; Double exponential function can fit the f, Ks, L and X spectra better than others; dN/dy of f scales linearly with number of charged particles; RdAu and Rcp in dAu are grouped into mesons and baryons; it indicates particle production is dividing by the particle type rather than particle mass as shown by the parton recombination model. Final state effect based on recombination model works for the spectra and Rcp at dAu collisions; Rcp plots show no suppression indicating that the suppression in Au+Au arises from additional effects.

28 The End Thank you!

29 Spectra and fits Charge K* in power-law fit Kink from Camelia
TOF_K from Lijuan K* from Lijuan, Haibin Neutral K* in mt exp fit Charge K* in power-law fit Ks yield is lower than TOF_K and kink at the low pt, but the shapes are same.

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