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Beijing, China No Longer the Forbidden City. Beijing Home of the 2008 Summer Olympics.

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Presentation on theme: "Beijing, China No Longer the Forbidden City. Beijing Home of the 2008 Summer Olympics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beijing, China No Longer the Forbidden City

2 Beijing Home of the 2008 Summer Olympics

3 Beijing Click to visit Beijing.

4 Beijing History Originally built by Kublai Khan 1260 - 1290 Original name was Camubluc As Beijing (Chinese for northern capital), was the capital from 1421-1911 Captured by Great Britain and France Boxer Rebellion in 1900 – aided by Americans, Japanese, and Europeans

5 Beijing History Several civil wars between 1911 and 1927 In 1928 name changed to Beiping, meaning northern peace Occupied by Japan in 1937 and returned to sovereignty in 1946 after WWII In 1948 became part of the Communist Peoples Republic of China Name restored to Beijing in 1948

6 Beijing History Click here to learn about Chinese history and government

7 Beijing Geography and Climate Flat land except for hills to the north, northwest and west of Beijing Mountains to the west known as Xishan Close to plains and the sea One of a few major cities in China that doesnt border a river Climate is harsh – hot, humid summers and cold, windy, dry winters

8 Beijing Economy and Industry Great industrial area –Textile mills –Railroad repair shops –Machine shops –Chemical plants –Factories producing heavy machinery, electronics, locomotives, plastics, synthetic fibers –Large petrochemical industry Industry has created serious pollution problems

9 Beijing Economy and Industry Major agricultural crops are tea and rice Tourism growing due to –Chinese peoples love of travel and history –Relaxed restrictions on foreign travel Click to learn more about Beijings industries

10 Beijing Points of Interest Forbidden City –Former emperors residence – Over 800 buildings Visit the Forbidden City

11 Beijing Points of Interest Tiananmen Square –Monument to the heroes of the revolution –Great Hall of the People The Summer Palace –Built for Qing Dynastys dowager empress Cixi –Gardens have existed for over 800 years Hutongs –Oldest neighborhoods in Beijing – some built in Yuan Dynasty (1115- 1234) –Small lanes forming mazes of small apartments built around a central courtyard –Siheyuan built along east-west or north-south axes according the rules of feng shui

12 Beijing Points of Interest The Great Wall of China Built 2000 years ago during the Qin Dynasty Created to protect China from the invading Huns to the North

13 Beijing Points of Interest One of the largest construction projects ever completed –over 5,000 km long Can be seen from space Visit the Great Wall of China

14 Beijing Quiz What did you learn? Take this quiz and click to the next slide for the correct answers. –1. What is the capital of China? –2. Where did the emperors of China live? –3. What world famous fortification is north of Beijing? –4. Who built the original city? –5. Name four major industries of Beijing. –6. What problem has the growth of industry created? –7. Why has tourism increased in the last few years? –8. What are the two main agricultural products of Beijing and China/ –9. Why was the Great Wall of China Built? –10. What form of government exists in China?

15 Beijing Quiz Quiz Answers –1. Beijing –2. The Forbidden City –3. The Great Wall of China –4. Kublai Khan –5. Textile mills, railroad repair shops, machine shops, chemical plants, factories producing heavy machinery, electronics, locomotives, plastics, and synthetic fibers, large petrochemical factories, tea and rice crops, and tourism –6. Beijing has serious pollution problems –7. The Chinese love to travel and have more money to do this now, and travel restrictions for foreign tourists have been relaxed. –8. rice and tea –9. to protect the Chinese from the invading Huns from the North –10. China has a communist government.

16 References Beijing 2008 Olympics Beijing Globe Chinatown Online Peoples Daily Online Postcards from China n.html n.html The China Guide: Virtual Guide of Beijing United Streaming http://www.unitedstreaming.com Virtual Tour of the Great Wall of China

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