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Nations begin to Unify and Compete: The Effects of the Congress of Vienna and Industrial Revolution 1800-1900.

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Presentation on theme: "Nations begin to Unify and Compete: The Effects of the Congress of Vienna and Industrial Revolution 1800-1900."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nations begin to Unify and Compete: The Effects of the Congress of Vienna and Industrial Revolution

2 Forces of Change: Political thinking
After the Congress of Vienna, there arose several different political philosophies on how to handle situations within a country. These political philosophies were: Conservatism Liberalism Socialism Nationalism

3 Reading together 1. Create a chart as seen on the board
2. We will be reading through each of these philosophies together 3. After each reading, we will then take notes as a class 4. We will then discuss them together

4 So, what impact do these political philosophies have on the European Countries?

5 REVOLTUIONS!!!!!! France (AGAIN!!!!) Belgium Poland Italy
Which countries of Europe does not want these countries to revolt and why????????????

6 Essential Questions: Why would the countries of Europe being to revolt during the 1800’s? How would Nationalism, Militarism, and Alliances contribute to the revolts? How would the Industrial Revolution cause the revolts as well?

7 Revolts of 1848 French German Central Europe Italian states
What was happening in these countries? Primary source: Page 377 Read aloud.

8 Revolts of 1848 Change government (Resemble French Revolution)
Competition to expand, gain resources, and spread ideas (Resembles the 3 What?) Nationalism: Each country now wanted and thought they could be the best and be the #1 power in the Europe and possibly the world Congress of Vienna: Set up tension. How? What countries were involved and what was the goal?

9 So what was the direct consequence(s) of these Revolts???????

10 Breakdown!!!!!!!! Congress of Vienna: caused competition, tension, back stabbing, etc. Everyone one wanted to be the number one power! Can’t have peace then! Crimean War( ): true test Fight over control of an area of good sea ports, resources, and materials Russia wanted it. Ottoman Empire controlled it, but they were declining in power UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM????????

11 What would Russia do? Take it! Would increase the power of Russia (Sea port, access to rest of Europe) This move set fear into other European nations (Britain and France)-WHY? Russia invaded and Ottoman Empire declares WAR!!! France and Britain become allies to stop Russia and “HELP” the Ottoman Empire

12 Russia gets own their own ally!!
Austria-Hungary Empire and Russia major powers in this region of Eastern Europe Austria seeing that the Major powers of the West (France and Britain) joined against Russia: they declined to be allies with Russia in the Crimean War “ NO THANK YOU”  Russia: WAS TICKED!!!!! Lost badly in the war and had to concede! Austria and Russia now: ENEMIES!!!

13 So what is happening in other areas?
Italy and Germany decide, hey we want to join all the fun!!!!! They unite!!!!!!!! Read through the unifications……Summarize what happened and who was in control of this unification and why it happened?

14 Italy and German States Unite
Nationalism and the revolts played a huge part in unifying these countries Problems: France did not like the fact German States are gaining power! WHY? German states expand into an area in France: Alsace-Lorraine (This region will cause great tension for the next couple of decades) Prussia is no more: Who gets their military strength? Otto Van Bismarck: Key person in the unification of Germany

15 Otto Van Bismarck Appointed by Kaiser Wilhelm I of Prussia to be Prime Minister Disliked anyone who opposed him “Politics of Reality” Ignored any Legislation that went against his ideas Went to work on unifying German states

16 What did Bismarck do to unify Germany?
Raised taxes Strengthened the army Went to war with various countries(Denmark and Austria, France, etc Gained allies (Austria-Hungary) Will also go to war with them after they help Germany Bismarck sets up a strong Germany that scares France They go to war in 1870 France is no match for German forces Bismarck beats France (BADLY!!!) So what happened next?

France looses a lot!!!! FRANCE WANTS REVENGE!!!!!! BUT CAN THEY DO IT RIGHT NOW?????? France has to pay 5 billion($1 Billion Dollars) Francs to Germany Give up a area called Alsace-Lorraine which is full of materials, resources, and goods

18 Germany becomes the number one power on the mainland of the European Continent !!!!!!

19 Effects in other countries
For the next 10 minutes read on page and develop 2-3 points on how Nationalism affected the following countries: put into notes Great Britain France *Prussia: How do you have nationalism? Austrian Empire Russia When done, have students share with each other how THEIR nation is becoming more powerful

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