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LAMAS Working Group October 2017

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Presentation on theme: "LAMAS Working Group October 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 LAMAS Working Group 10-11 October 2017

2 Structure of Earnings Survey 2018
I. Legal obligations II. Changes from SES 2014 III. Lessons learned from SES2014 IV. New optional variable on the total length of working experience

3 I. Legal obligations SES2018 due before 30 JUNE 2020
2 csv files to be delivered through Edamis - Table A: Information about the local unit - Table B: Information on individual characteristics of each employee in the sample relating to the reference year Implementing arrangements provided in annex

4 II. Changes from SES2014 NUTS 1 for France and Poland
No changes in variables list No changes in validation checks

5 III. Lessons learned from SES2014
Timeliness was good except for Greece and Croatia  early publication of indicators and anonymized CD-ROM No large outliers anymore Comparison of part-time and full-time data often shows large differences  Member States should look for possibilities to improve

6 IV. Total length of working experience
In the context of adjusting the Gender Pay Gap, is was not possible to correct for the total length of working experience of an employee, in case he/she had several employers during his/her career Indeed, SES only collects data on the length of service in the surveyed enterprise. => Adding a variable on the 'total length of working experience' could be considered in the context of the LMI review

7 LAMAS is invited: To prepare for the transmission of SES2018 data that is due on 30 June 2020 To take note of the SES2018 implementing arrangements provided in annex To volunteer for testing a new (optional) variable on the total length of working experience

8 Thank you for your attention!

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