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Developed by: Silvia C. Dorta Duque de Reyes

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1 Developed by: Silvia C. Dorta Duque de Reyes

2 Side by Side planning begins with the deconstruction of essential
Language Arts Standards from a vertical perspective.

3 Cognitive Objective is the part of the standard that indicates what students will know as a result of instruction. In a SbS lesson, the cognitive objective of a lesson remains the same for all students. Cognitive objectives are related to thinking functions. Blooms Taxonomy outlines categories of cognitive learning. Thinking functions are verbs that define the action of the learner. Cognitive objective state the Content Purpose of the lesson. According to Douglas Fisher, the content purpose is the “piece” of the state benchmark students should learn and understand when today’s lesson is completed. The Content Purpose should require students to use critical and creating thinking to acquire information, resolve a problem, apply a skill, or evaluate a process and should be relevant to the student beyond the classroom or for learning’s sake.

4 The cognitive or knowledge content of the standard remains the same for all students. It is the language task that is differentiated and organized into an instructional sequence according to levels of language acquisition.

5 Writing Standards Based Instructional Objectives
Foundational Knowledge Writing Standards Based Instructional Objectives For more in depth information please reference A guide to Developing Cognitive Objectives by J.T. Holden

6 The ABCDs of Writing Instructional Objectives
The ABCD method of writing objectives is an excellent way to structure instructional objectives. In this method, "A" is for audience, "B" is for behavior, "C" for conditions and "D" is for degree of mastery needed. Example: -"Given a sentence written in the past or present tense, the student will be able to re-write the sentence in future tense with no errors in tense or tense contradiction. Example: I saw her yesterday I will see her tomorrow. The key here is to use verbs that indicate a clearly observable and measurable action. Appropriate action verbs for the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains are listed below.






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