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What is it & Why is it important?

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Presentation on theme: "What is it & Why is it important?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is it & Why is it important?
Self-Advocacy What is it & Why is it important?

2 What is Self-Advocacy? Getting what you need to be successful.
Speaking up for your self Making your own decisions Knowing your rights Solving problems with/without help

3 Why is it Important? So you will have the knowledge to survive and be successful in life. So you will be able to make independent post-secondary decisions. Gives you the opportunity to participate in decisions being made about your life.

4 How can you Advocate for Yourself?
Attend, and actively participate, in your IEP meeting. Participate in choosing your classes every year. Speak up in class. Share your answers/opinions, whether right or wrong. Ask for assistance, when necessary. Know your strengths & weaknesses. Know your area(s) of disability . Know your accommodations/modifications.

5 How can you Advocate for Yourself (cont’d)?
Attend tutoring/visit college professors during their office hours when you need extra help. Schedule your own doctor’s appointments. Cook food for yourself/your family. Do chores without being asked by a family member.

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