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The Catcher in the Rye By J.D. Salinger

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1 The Catcher in the Rye By J.D. Salinger

2 (no interviews, hated being famous, etc.)
J.D. Salinger (1919 – 2010) Raised in NYC Reclusive (no interviews, hated being famous, etc.)

3 J.D. Salinger Family wealthy /one sister
Drafted in 1942 and served in D-Day invasion Died January 27, 2010

4 Literary Terminology

5 Literary Terminology BILDUNGSROMAN A coming-of-age novel
Protagonist is growing up and looking for answers

Literary Terminology REALIABLITY of NARRATOR Questioning who is telling the story Questioning if he/she can be trusted completely

7 Literary Terminology DUALISM / DUALITY State of “two-ness”
Typically, one state conflicts with other (i.e: football team and glee club)

8 Historical Connection

9 Historical Connection
“Era of Change” Civil Rights Women’s Lib Sputnik Medical Advancements (Polio) The Cold War “Sexy” Stars (Elvis, Monroe, Dean, etc.)

10 Historical Connection
“Era of Change” Unrest between older and younger generations

11 Historical Connection
1960’s and 1970’s “Social Revolution” Parents work to shield youth; youth rebel

12 Historical Connection
“Matter of Perspective” End of Cold War/Berlin Wall John Lennon shot; killer uses book as explanation

13 Catcher in the Rye

14 However, dubbed as “timeless” for all youth
Catcher in the Rye Setting: Around New York City in the 1950’s However, dubbed as “timeless” for all youth

15 Catcher in the Rye Protagonist: Holden Caulfield 16 or 17 year-old guy
Student (just kicked out) of Pencey Prep School

16 Praise and Criticism Salinger's tale of the human condition is fascinating and enlightening, yet incredibly depressing named by Modern Library and its readers as one of the 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century. the most censored book and second most taught book in the US What's so cool about a guy flunking out of school and doing all those stupid things? Holden is just a stupid jerk. The Catcher in the Rye is from the heart -- not Holden Caulfield's heart, Salinger's. He said everything he had to say in it, which may well be why he has said nothing else.

17 Things to watch for…

18 Things to watch for… Harshness –vs- Innocence (in Language)

19 Things to watch for… Alienating -vs- Being Lonely

20 Things to watch for… Adultlike –vs- Childlike Settings

21 Symbols & Motifs

22 Symbols & Motifs The Red Hunting Cap

23 Symbols & Motifs The Ducks

24 Symbols & Motifs The (Almost) Frozen Pond

25 Symbols & Motifs Catching / Catcher’s Mitt

26 Lack of intimacy in relationships (emotional and physical)
Symbols & Motifs Lack of intimacy in relationships (emotional and physical)

27 Symbols & Motifs Phoniness of Adults


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