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Geography of Texas Project

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1 Geography of Texas Project
The following assignment will test your abilities and knowledge in all areas of the geography of Texas. By creating a foldable, you will demonstrate your knowledge of the geography of Texas. Include the following on the attached map: Plot the largest cities in each subregion Label major rivers Brazos, Canadian, Colorado, Guadalupe, Neches, Nueces, Pecos, Red, Rio Grande, Sabine, San Antonio, Trinity Draw and color each subregion -Piney Woods (Green) -Post Oak Belt (Light Green) -Blackland Prairie (Purple) -Gulf Coast Plain (Blue) -South Texas Plain (Light Blue) -High Plains (Yellow) -Edwards Plateau (Brown) -Cross Timbers (Red Orange) -Grand Prairie (Red) -Rolling Plains (Orange) -Mountains and Basins (Gray)

2 Using either construction paper or 8
Using either construction paper or 8.5” x 14” legal paper, We will create your foldable in class together: Using scissors, cut each folded side in half to create four fold-overs. On the inside of each section, label the following: Top Right- North Central Plains Bottom Right- Coastal Plains Top Left- Great Plains Bottom Left- Mountains and Basins On the inside of each section cut out, draw, or print out and paste a picture or pictures that represent that region. On the outer flap of each section, provide the following information: -Industries -Landscape -Vegetation -Climate -Natural Resources Paste the four quadrants of the regions map onto the corresponding flap. Provide a title at the top. Write your name, and class period on the back.


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