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Presentation on theme: "Baptism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Baptism

2 Seven Things Scripturally Wrong With Denominational Baptism

3 Has The Wrong Authority
Matthew 28:18 Colossians 3:17 Denominational Councils & Human Creeds Authorize Denominational Baptism Jesus never commanded anyone to be baptized INTO ANY denomination

4 Usually Wrong Subject Matthew 28:19,20; Mark 16:15,16; Acts 2:38
Taught, Penitent Believer who Confesses His Faith – Only Proper Subject Denominations- infants & people who think they are already saved 1 Peter 3:21

5 Wrong Confession Acts 8:37 – Confess faith in Christ
Denominational Baptism asked to confess agreement with sectarian creed – 20 propositions One requires confession that states “I believe that God for Christ’s sake has pardoned my sins”

6 Usually Wrong Action Acts 8:38 “went down into the water”
Romans 6:3,4 “buried with Him through baptism” i.e. immersed Colossians 2:12 “buried with Him in baptism” John 3:23 “much water” Sprinkling, pouring not baptism

7 Wrong Purpose Acts 2:38 “for the remission of sins”
Mark 16:16 “believe & is baptized will be saved” Acts 22:16 “wash away your sins” 1 Peter 3:21 “now saves us – baptism”

8 Wrong Purpose Denominations baptize into their fellowship, not into Christ Galatians 3:25-27 Romans 6:3,4 IF not baptized for right purpose, that baptism was wrong 1 Corinthians 12:13

9 Wrong Order Hebrews 11:6 Romans 10:17 Mark 16:16 Acts 2:38 Acts 8:37
Hearing Faith Romans 10:17 Repentance Mark 16:16 Confession Acts 2:38 Immersion Forgiveness of Sins, gift of the Holy Spirit Acts 8:37

10 Wrong Order Gift of the Holy spirit Hearing Repentance Confession
Faith Immersion Salvation Forgiveness of Sins, gift of the Holy Spirit Baptism

11 Wrong Allegiance Sectarian Baptism binds one to:
Wear a human Organization’s name Obey & Endorse Human Creed Belong to Human organization Support Human program

12 Wrong Allegiance Scriptural Baptism binds one to: Wear a Divine name
Obey a Divine Message Belong to a Divine Body Engage in a Divinely Authorized program

13 Wrong Allegiance Denominational Baptism attracts people to a Denominational Body rather than to Christ & His Kingdom Matthew 16:18,19 “I will build My church….”

14 REMEMBER: One cannot be Taught Wrong & Baptized Right – Romans 10:17; 6:17 One cannot be Baptized Wrong & Worship Right- Romans 6:3,4; Acts 2:42

15 REMEMBER: One cannot Worship Wrong & Live Right- John 4:23,24
One cannot Live Wrong & Die Right- Matthew 25:31-41 One cannot be Baptized Wrong & Die Right

16 What About YOU? Have YOU Submitted to Scriptural Baptism?
Romans 6:17,18 “But God be thanked that though you were slaves of sin, yet you obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine to which you were delivered. 18 And having been set free from sin, you became slaves of righteousness.”

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