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CNS Active Targets for Missing Mass Spectroscopy with RI beams Tomohiro Uesaka CNS, University of Tokyo ・ Missing Mass Spectroscopy ・ Two different.

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Presentation on theme: "CNS Active Targets for Missing Mass Spectroscopy with RI beams Tomohiro Uesaka CNS, University of Tokyo ・ Missing Mass Spectroscopy ・ Two different."— Presentation transcript:

1 CNS Active Targets for Missing Mass Spectroscopy with RI beams Tomohiro Uesaka CNS, University of Tokyo ・ Missing Mass Spectroscopy ・ Two different missing mass spectroscopy with RI beams Normal Kinematics Multi-layered active target (to be made) Inverse Kinematics CNS active gas target → Akimoto's talk

2 Missing Mass Spectroscopy
Spectroscopic information is (primarily) extracted from properties of probe particle(s). Normal kinematics: projectile/scattered particles Inverse kinematics: target/recoiled particles has been a basis of major activities at stable-beam facilities. Inelastic scattering (p,p'), (d,d'), (a,a') . . . Charge exchange (p,n), (d,2He), (3He,t) Transfer (d,p), (p,d), (3He,d). . . KEYWORDS: Selectivity & Sensitivity

3 Spin-isospin Selectivities
Strength of Effective interaction (DT, DS)=(0,0) Gamow-Teller DL = 0 , DT = 1, DS = 1 Fermi Isoscalar monopole DL = 0 , DT = 1, DS = 0 (1,1) (1,0) (0,1) DS = 0 DS = 1 (p,p'), (d,d'), (a,a') (p,p'), (d,d') DT = 0 (p,p'), (p,n), (3He,t), (p,p'), (p,n), (3He,t), (d,2He) (6Li,6Be), (12C,12N) DT = 1

4 Sensitivity: momentum transfer
If the reaction occurs in the vicinity of nuclear surface, M. Itoh

5 Missing Mass Spectroscopy with RI beams
1. Normal kinematics experiments New features available (only) by RI beam induced reactions Search for new excitation modes : major goal of SHARAQ experiments. 2. Inverse kinematics experiments Investigation of structure of unstable nuclei via traditional reactions (a,a'), (d,2He), (3He,t) [, (d,p), (p,d), (3He,a). . . ]

6 Normal kinematics exp. @ SHARAQ
Spectroscopy with RI-beam induced reactions Traditional example: (t,3He) experiments extraction of b+ strength POTENTIAL of (new) RI beam induced reactions New SELECTIVITIES (DT, DS, DL, Dp) missing in stable-beam induced reactions ex. the (10C,10B*(IAS)) reaction to probe isovector non-spin-flip (DT=1, DS=0) excitations. → search for Isovector Monopole Resonances Access to kinematical region which are inaccessible by stable beams. large Q-value in RI beam induced charge exchange reaction (exothermic) → RECOILLESS excitation of HIGH-Ex states Isovector Spin Monopole Resonance via the (12N,12C) reaction Double Gamow-Teller Resonance via the (9C,9Be)/(20Mg,20Ne) reactions Tetra-neutron state via the 4He(8He,8Be[=2a]) reaction

7 Target for high-resolution measurements
In many cases, target thickness is most critical. ex. charge exchange reaction: energy loss difference between projectile and ejectile. For a better use of SHARAQ, we need a “next generation TARGET system” such as an active target, or a multi-layered target with a sensitivity to reaction point. target Projectile Projectile DE(proj.) DE(ejec.)

8 Multi-layered active target

9 Requirements Rate > 1MHz Charge resolution DZ=1 10C/10B 30%
Foil thickness ~ 30 mg/cm2 (DE = 1MeV ) Counter gas should be thinner than foil targets A test bench will be made in FY2010. (based on a beam-line detector)

10 Inverse kinematics experiments
incompressibility ex. Extraction of Gamow-Teller strength Population of Isoscalar monopole resonances q = 60 MeV/c Forward angle measurement is crucial

11 Recoil energy q = 100 MeV/c proton: Ep = 5.27 MeV
(Heavy) RI beam light-ion target p, d, a q = 100 MeV/c proton: Ep = MeV deuteron: Ed = 2.66 MeV alpha: Ea = 1.34 MeV

12 Kinematics 4He(68Ni,68Ni*)4He @ 200 MeV/u Ex = 0 MeV 10 MeV 20 MeV

13 a Range in 4He gas 0.1 MeV 6.9 mm (0.13 mg/cm2) 0.5 MeV 17.8 mm
As a result, an ``active'' target is necessary for the (very) forward angle measurement

14 Yield Estimation Target thickness 3×1020 /cm2 (1 atm ×10 cm)
Integrated luminosity 0.1 mb (assumed) → 105-pps (intense!) beam is needed for 300 events/day How can we detect low-energy a particles in the presence of 105-pps heavy ion beams? considerable space charge effects

15 Our (tentative) solution: CNS (``In-'') Active Target
R. Akimoto, S. Ota et al. Top-view a Beam-view field shaping wires a GEMs

16 Future experiments inelastic scattering to pin down monopole strengths
Optimization of gas pressure, purity (quencher concentration) range ⇔ yield (d,2He) reaction to extract b+ strength in the pf-shell region Discrimination of two proton trajectories use of flash ADC Combined operation of the active target with Magnetic spectrometer: SAMURAI, SHARAQ, Zero-degree g-ray measurements: for better Doppler-correction (?)

17 Low-energy option (for CRIB/RIPS exp.)
Use of a polarized 3He gas as a counter gas (3He,d) : proton particle state spectroscopy (3He,2He): neutron particle state spectroscopy (3He,a) : neutron hole state spectroscopy } strong spin selectivity a 3He

18 A little about Diamond detectors
・ SHARAQ exp. uses high-intensity (>1 MHz) beams. ・ Mass measurement by the high-resolution beam-line (& SHARAQ) requires good TOF resolution (≪50 ps) → Possible solution: diamond detector Good time responses Radiation hardness A. Stolz

19 A little about Diamond detectors (cont.)
CNS-NSCL collaboration is being started: 3×3 cm2 detector A. Stolz Issues: large bandwidth preamplifiers electronics for 10-ps timing measurement

20 Summary Multi-layered active target
for normal kinematics experiments at SHARAQ Only "idea", a test bench will be made soon. CNS active gas target for inverse kinematics measurement has been tested for a low-energy alpha beam → Akimoto's talk Diamond detectors CNS-NSCL collaboration → 3×3 cm2 electronics to achieve time resolution of 10 ps should be developed.

21 Collaborators Multi-layered active target Diamond detector
SHARAQ collaboration (U-Tokyo, RIKEN,NSCL, etc) CNS active gas target R. Akimoto, S. Ota, T. Gunji, S. Michimasa, H. Tokieda S. Kawase, T. Tsuji, H. Hamagaki, T. Uesaka T. Hashimoto, H. Yamaguchi, S. Kubono (→ MSTPC) + T. Kawabata, T. Isobe, Tsukuba group

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