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Advice on dummy use….

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Presentation on theme: "Advice on dummy use…."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advice on dummy use…

2 Give your dummy to the Easter Bunny!

3 “Dummies can be used to comfort small, crying babies but try to keep for sleep times only after 6 months!”

4 “Dummy sucking can stop little mouths from chewing, licking, eating, smiling, laughing and practising making noises and sounds!”

5 “Too much dummy sucking over a long time can damage your child’s teeth and affect their speech development”

6 “It is difficult for your child to talk or sing when they have their dummy in!”

7 “Dummy sucking can soon become a habit!”
“Drop the dummy and your child will dribble less which will help to stop sore chins!”

8 “Remember not to dip your child’s dummy in anything sweet, it can damage their teeth!”

9 Ideas from other parents
“We used to only give Callum his dummy when he was tired or upset” “I used to hide Katie’s dummy so she would forget about it” “When Jack asked for his dummy I used to distract him with his toys” “We used to take Ryan’s dummy out when he was talking. He soon learnt to take it out himself” “We told Chloe to put her dummy out for Santa. The next day she found a present in its place”

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