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Menstrie Community Action Group & Our Dumyat Centre

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1 Menstrie Community Action Group & Our Dumyat Centre
Public Meeting 7th October 2018

2 Outline Recap – the story so far Creation of our group
Working with the Community Council Next Steps

3 Recap

4 Recap (2) Education decision has been made
No long term use of the centre for Education purposes Interim use of the Centre PE will continue to be required Detailed Financial Information has now been provided Expenditure (early September) Income (late September) We are examining this in detail to understand what this means for future operation

5 Committee Creation We wanted to formalise the group, give new people a chance to become involved Got a really good number of volunteers for Committee positions, many of whom are here today! You can see more details about this on our notice board, and of course our new website on! Widened our group aims a little – not really about the centre, but what it represents for the community

6 MCAG Aims We wanted to think about how the group could help support the Community, and the Community Council, deliver the Community Action Plan The Dumyat Centre is central to the delivery of this, particularly if we can access sources of funding So we have broadened our aims with this in mind

7 MCAG Aims ‘To ensure that Menstrie is a vibrant, active community, to support the health and wellbeing of the village and improve the lives and opportunities of members of the community.’ Our immediate focus is on the Dumyat Centre which is at the heart of the community. However, we are interested in your thoughts in the purposes of the group and how we can support the community.

8 Working with Community Council
The role of MCAG will be complementary to the Community Council Community councils are the most local tier of statutory representation in Scotland. The Council is required by statute to consult our community council about planning applications and licensing matters. MCAG, as a charitable organisation, can apply for funding to help support the delivery of the Community’s aims

9 Membership Initial Target: 300 by the end of the month
Remember everyone aged 16+ can sign up

10 Phase 1: October to December 2018
Next Steps Phase 1: October to December 2018 Finalising Group Constitution & Aims Consulting with the community on uses of the centre Gathering members Formalising the group as a charity / company limited by guarantee Developing Business Plan Negotiation with the Council on the terms of lease Exploration and submission of initial funding applications Discussions with existing lets Developing policies, procedures & rotas to allow the Community to run the centre in the short to medium term

11 Phase 2: January to March 2019
Next Steps Phase 2: January to March 2019 First stage of operation Funding applications submitted and returned Trial of booking system and income collection procedures Trial of volunteer support and exploration of staffing options Preparation for first year proper of running the centre from April 2019 Fundraising

12 Next Steps Phase 3: April 2019 to March 2020
Year 1 of proper community operation If funding can be secured, modest capital improvement works to deliver what the Community need Fundraising events to help cover running costs Continual review of volunteering and staffing balance If desired, explore and progress full CAT

13 Phase 4: April 2020 and beyond
Next Steps Phase 4: April 2020 and beyond If feasible, and when the community is ready, the centre can transfer into proper community ownership If funding can be secured, more significant capital investment and renovation of the centre

14 How can you help? Coming today! Membership Trade Skills? Let us know.
Volunteering – Community Groups – can we help you?

15 Questions? Follow us on Facebook
Thanks for listening Questions? Follow us on Facebook

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