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TtztBu,Me is a Weaker Electron Donor than TptBu,Me

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1 TtztBu,Me is a Weaker Electron Donor than TptBu,Me
Papish Group Research We are interested in designing catalysts for the hydrolysis of phosphotriesters. Since phosphotriesters include pesticides and are structurally similar to some chemical weapons, there is the potential for environmental, medicinal, and defense applications. Our approach to this problem has been to use the structure of the enzyme phosphotriesterase to help us design bioinorganic model complexes (enzyme mimics). The most promising class of ligands we have made for this project are the tris(triazolyl)borate (Ttz) ligands which act as a water-soluble analogs of the tris(pyrazolyl)borate (Tp) ligands (also known as "scorpionates"). These complexes show great potential since they are water-soluble and similar in structure to phosphotriesterase. 3rd N makes this a new water-soluble, bulky Tp analog. Sterically similar to Tp ligands, but electronically different! water-soluble: (TtztBu,Me)CuCO • H2O : = KTtztBu,Me = (TtztBu,Me)Co(NO3) Inorg. Chem. 2007, 46, 360. CO stretch 2080cm-1 TtztBu,Me is a Weaker Electron Donor than TptBu,Me

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