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Electrophoresis: Movement of a solid phase with respect to a liquid (buffer) Sample is applied to the medium and under the effect of electric field, group.

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Presentation on theme: "Electrophoresis: Movement of a solid phase with respect to a liquid (buffer) Sample is applied to the medium and under the effect of electric field, group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electrophoresis: Movement of a solid phase with respect to a liquid (buffer) Sample is applied to the medium and under the effect of electric field, group of particles (similar in charge, size & shape) migrate Used to measure: Quantity of protein in plasma etc. Separate enzymes into isoenzymes Identifies antibodies

2 Factors affecting electrophoresis:
Magnitude of charge (distance per unit field strength) Ionic strength of buffer Temperature Time Type of support media (cellulose acetate, starch gel, sucrose etc..)

3 Cellulose acetate electrophoresis:
A strip is saturated with the buffer solution and placed in membrane holder (bridge) Sample is placed on the strip 250 v is applied and 4 – 6 mA is obtained After 15 – 20 minutes, supply is removed The membrane is placed in the holder of densitometer Low voltage is output is amplified and recorded

4 Contd..

5 Colorimeters: Simplest form of measurement using human eye (400 – 700 nm) Comparison of color of unknown with standard Series of standards should be developed Photoelectric methods have largely replaced and it is precise (photometric / spectro – photometric method)

6 Cuvettes:

7 Contd.. Single beam Double beam configurations
Sample is normally a liquid Simple in construction & operation Range of filters is required to cover different wavelength regions Types: Single beam Double beam configurations

8 Multi channel colorimeter (photometer):
Increases number of chemical analysis Increases the capacity of laboratory Increases the measuring capacity Introducing a batch of samples into a single light path Simultaneous measurement 25 channels : 24 – 3 key eight matrix 25th channel : reference beam

9 Schematic diagram:

10 Spectrometers: Isolates monochromatic radiation
Source light is passed as parallel beam in to prism and diffracted & dispersed at different angles Light reaching spectrometer is generally much smaller (small spectral bandwidth) Sensitive ammeter is used to measure To overcome: Accurate potentiometric bridge is used Amplified electronically and displayed in digital form

11 Commercial instruments:
Double beam Digital reading / recording : automatic sampling Deuterium source: 190 to 700 nm nm 4 wavelength scanning speeds and seven chart speeds 6 V tungsten lamp is source Heated : ionization may occur inside the anode , energy decreases Ultra violet with deuterium lamp Visible range with tungsten lamp

12 Commercial instruments:
Slit : 0.05 to 2.0 mm Slit width is approximately 1/10th of bandwidth of the sample

13 Microprocessor based spectrophotometers:
Control functions: wavelength scanning, automatic light source selection, control of slit width, density sensitivity etc.. Signal processing functions : signal baseline correction, calculation of concentration, absorbance etc.. Communication functions: keyboard entry, data presentation, with external systems etc..

14 Block diagram:

15 Contd.. Signal is amplified (preamplifier),
converted into digital form (ADC), differentiated into sample signal S, reference signal R and zero signal (Z), stored in memory Transmittance, T = (S-Z) / (R-Z) Absorbance = - log T

16 Auto analyzer: Sequentially measures blood chemistry, displays on a graphic readout Sampler Proportioning pump (heart of auto analyzer) & manifold Dialyzer Heating bath (37℃) Colorimeter recorder

17 Auto analyzer:

18 Proportioning pump: Peristaltic pump
Separates from cleaning fluid and other samples Sterilization is needed Frequent calibration Mechanical & electrical maintenance

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