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Christ’s Holiness Lesson 7.

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1 Christ’s Holiness Lesson 7

2 Theme Stated positively, holiness is separation to God & His purposes.
Stated negatively, holiness is separation from sin. We are to be separated TO God & FROM sin.

3 I. Christ’s Separation to God
A. In His Youth (Luke 2:49) 1. 12 yrs. old - temple - doing His Father’s business.

4 I. Christ’s Separation to God
B. In His Ministry 1. His Priorities a. “And he said unto them, Let us go into the next towns, that I may preach there also: for therefore came I forth.” Mark 1:38

5 I. Christ’s Separation to God
B. In His Ministry 2. His Conformity a. John the Baptist was in prison, sent message, “Are you the Messiah?” b. “Go & show John again the things you do see & hear.” Mt. 11:4 c. Christ’s ministry so completely confirmed to prophecy that He had to be the Messiah.

6 I. Christ’s Separation to God
B. In His Ministry 3. His Obedience a. “As the Father gave me command-ment, even so I do…” John 14:31

7 I. Christ’s Separation to God
C. In His Death 1. “Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.” Jn. 10:17-18

8 II. Christ’s Separation from Sin
A. In His Youth 1. Jesus was separated from sin from the moment of his conception. 2. He faced all the temptation of youth.

9 II. Christ’s Separation from Sin
B. In His Ministry 1. Jesus was subject to sinless human infirmities (tired, hungry, thirsty).

10 II. Christ’s Separation from Sin
B. In His Ministry 2. His Friends’ Testimonies a. Peter - “Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth.” 1 Pet. 2:22 b. James & Jude - His brothers - never criticized Jesus (they would know) c. John the Baptist did not want to baptize Christ because He was sinless.

11 II. Christ’s Separation from Sin
B. In His Ministry 3. His Enemies’ Testimonies a. never established any charge of sin b. demon conceded His holiness Mk 1:24

12 II. Christ’s Separation from Sin
C. In His Death 1. Christ's sinlessness during His trial is overwhelming a. chief priests & elders sought witnesses to accuse Him & found none b. Pilate tried to free Him c. Herod found Him innocent d. Judas committed suicide out of guilt

13 II. Christ’s Separation from Sin
C. In His Death 2. Jesus on the cross a. Thief - “This man hath done nothing amiss.” b. Centurion - “Truly this was the Son of God.” The Death of Christ should motivate us to a holy life.

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