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Quark Parton Model (QPM)

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Presentation on theme: "Quark Parton Model (QPM)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Quark Parton Model (QPM)
main failure: Momentum sum rule partons with no charge (= gluons) carry around half of N momentum, but they are not included in QPM! Introduce polarization: inclusive DIS recall: if S=0 → parity violation from weak decays → current V-A → WA if S  0 → two 4-vectors P,q + one 4-pseudovector S → richer structure of hadronic tensor build S such that S2 = -1 and S∙P = 0  - helicity 09-Apr-13

2 hadronic tensor S = ½ → W is at most linear in S, because it is a 2x2 matrix in spin space ⇒ it can be expanded on basis of Dirac  matrices polarization vector target spin density matrix S coplanar with scattering plane →  = 0 hermitean tensor parity invariance time-reversal invariance current conservation 09-Apr-13

3 polarized DIS hadronic tensor
W = WS + WA scalar pseudoscalar 09-Apr-13

4 scattering amplitude lepton polarized with helicity h=±
lepton tensor : L = LS ± LA LS WS → LA WA ← 09-Apr-13

5 cross section  = 0 ⇔ S || k  = /2 ⇔ S ⊥ k coplanar →  = 0 −

6 why 4 structure functions F1, F2, G1, G2 ?
(cont’ed) why 4 structure functions F1, F2, G1, G2 ? total cross section for * absorption : tot (* N) optical theorem : tot (* N) ∝ Im [ f(e=0) Compton ] ±1 , ±1/2 ±1/ ±1 , 0 initial intermediate final 1 +1 +1/2 +3/2 2 -1/2 3 4 5 related by time-reversal → 4 independent structures 09-Apr-13

7 helicity asymmetries rearrangement of 4 independent combinations
intermediate asymmetries for scattering from * 09-Apr-13

8 DIS limit ,Q2 → ∞ with fixed xB ; if Q2 Jz scales, then scaling :
(see expressions of A1 and A2) scaling in helicity asymmetries : 09-Apr-13

9 QPM picture then : write elementary cross section for process
write down convolution in QPM factorization hypothesis → deduce structure functions in terms of partonic densities alternatively 09-Apr-13

10 alternative method because Lz = 0 (collinear process)
* ± Jz=1/ ±1/2 q↑↓ * Jz=3/2 T3/ /2 P↑ Jz=1/2 T1/ /2 because Lz = 0 (collinear process) → conservation of angular momentum then *↑ q↓ → q↑ *↓ q↑ → q↓ *↑ q↑ *↓ q↓ helicity distribution 09-Apr-13

11 transverse polarization distribution
similarly it holds Wandzura−Wilczek relation Burkhardt−Cottingham sum rule and in general 09-Apr-13

12 example: take 1 flavor only with q↑ in Jz (*q↑ )
(cont’ed) if pT  0 *↑ q↑ , *↓ q↓ allowed example: take 1 flavor only with q↑ in Jz (*q↑ ) pT = 0 pT  0 in DIS regime, transverse motion of partons seems suppressed. We will see that it is not always true, in particular in connection with transverse polarized parton / parent nucleon 09-Apr-13

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