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COMPUTER 2430 Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures I

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1 COMPUTER 2430 Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures I

2 Inheritance and Polymorphism
Prog 6

3 Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)
In object-oriented programming, the Liskov substitution principle is a particular definition of subtype that was introduced by Barbara Liskov in a 1987 conference keynote address entitled Data abstraction and hierarchy Liskov's notion of "subtype" is based on the notion of substitutability

4 Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)
The Liskov substitution principle is closely related to the design by contract methodology, leading to some restrictions on how contracts can interact with inheritance: Preconditions cannot be strengthened in a subclass. Require no more! Postconditions cannot be weakened in a subclass. Promise no less! A function using a class hierarchy violating the principle uses a reference to a base class, yet must have knowledge of the subclasses. Such a function violates the open/closed principle because it must be modified whenever a new derivative of the base class is created.

5 Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)
Two paraphrases that capture the essence A child can be used wherever a parent is expected For every overridden method in a child class: Require no more Promise no less It will be on Test 3 and the final

6 public class Animal { private String _id; private int numLegs; private float weight; public void grow() } public class Frog extends // weight determines numLegs

7 public class AnimalList { private Animal[] list; private int count; public boolean add( Animal animal ) } // Can FrogList be a sub-class of AnimalList? public class FrogList extends AnimalList // Can a fish be added to the

8 public class AnimalList { private Animal[] list; private int count; // Any animal can be added to the lis. public boolean add( Animal animal ) } public class FrogList extends AnimalList // Require public boolean add( Frog frog )

9 public class AnimalList { private Animal[] list; private int count; // animal will be added to the list if not full public boolean add( Animal animal ) } public class FrogList extends AnimalList // Promise // do not add if not Frog

10 public class BagOfFruit { private Fruit items[];
public void add ( Fruit x ) ... } public class BagOfApple extends BagOfFruit private Apple items[]; // How to override method add? Is a BagOfApple a BagOfFruit? Should BagOfApple be a subclass of BagOfFruit? NO!

11 Don't Overdo Inheritance
Is your inheritance good ? the notion of "is-a“ LSP Circle can't inherit from Ellipse even though it "is-a” have to restrict overridden 2D "resize" BagOfApples is not a BagOfFruit restrict overridden add or allow bananas in the apple bag

12 Quiz 6

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