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An Analogy of OLYMPIC Proportions!.

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Presentation on theme: "An Analogy of OLYMPIC Proportions!."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Analogy of OLYMPIC Proportions!

2 Unfortunately, the US isn’t at the top anymore in producing college and career ready graduates.

3 For one thing, our students don’t start their journeys at the same starting line.

4 Preparation starts well before high school

5 Actually at a very young age

6 It can be arduous

7 And there will be disappointments.

8 Sometimes circumstances will conspire to keep them down…

9 And there will be obstacles to overcome . . .

10 Creating a college and career ready high school is heavy lifting

11 And sometimes we feel like we’re barely keeping our heads above water.

12 Because working in a school district today is a balancing act . . .

13 Modern Pentathalon and requires versatility

14 We might feel like we’re wrestling with others who don’t believe that ALL children can be college and career ready.

15 But by instilling aspiration, we can create determination.

16 We know that parents want bright futures for their children
We know that parents want bright futures for their children. We need to partner with them, and…

17 We, as mentors can also make a tremendous difference in our students’ lives and futures.

18 We can provide our students with the proper equipment

19 Creating a college and career ready school climate takes teamwork

20 In order to hit the target, we need to know what we’re aiming for.

21 And celebrate our successes.

22 Synchronizing our efforts to create collective impact

23 Keeping the goal in sight

24 We can help students cross the finish line!

25 We can help students cross the finish line!

26 Unfortunately, the US isn’t at the top anymore
in producing college and career ready graduates. Unfortunately, the US isn’t at the top anymore in producing college and career ready graduates.

27 For one thing, our students don’t start their journeys at the same starting blocks.
For one thing, our students don’t start their journeys at the same starting line.

28 Preparation starts well before high school,

29 actually, at a very young age.

30 It can be arduous, It can be arduous

31 and there will be disappointments.

32 Sometimes circumstances will conspire to keep them mired in the sand,
Sometimes circumstances will conspire to keep them down…

33 and there will be hurdles to overcome.
And there will be obstacles to overcome . . .

34 Creating a college and career ready school climate requires heavy lifting,
Creating a college and career ready high school is heavy lifting

35 and often, we feel like we’re barely keeping our heads above water as it is.
And sometimes we feel like we’re barely keeping our heads above water.

36 Because working in a school district today is a balancing act,

37 and requires versatility.
Modern Pentathalon and requires versatility. and requires versatility

38 We might feel like we’re wrestling with others
who don’t believe that ALL children can be college and career ready. We might feel like we’re wrestling with others who don’t believe that ALL children can be college and career ready.

39 But by instilling aspiration, we can create determination.

40 We need to partner with them!
We also know that parents want bright futures for their children. We need to partner with them! We know that parents want bright futures for their children. We need to partner with them, and…

41 We, as mentors, can also make tremendous differences
in our students’ lives and futures, We, as mentors can also make a tremendous difference in our students’ lives and futures.

42 by providing our students with the proper equipment
We can provide our students with the proper equipment

43 and working together as a team to create
a college and career ready school climate. Creating a college and career ready school climate takes teamwork

44 In order to hit the target, we need to know what we’re aiming for,

45 and we need to celebrate our successes.
And celebrate our successes.

46 By synchronizing our efforts
Synchronizing our efforts to create collective impact

47 and keeping the goal in sight

48 We can help students cross the finish line.

49 the training starts today!
From dreams to reality . . . the training starts today! We can help students cross the finish line!

50 Providing our students with the proper equipment
We can provide our students with the proper equipment

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