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Welcome Neighbors! Public Meeting for Proposed Rezoning The area bordered by the Alley above 3 rd Street to the Alley below 3 rd Street, between North.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Neighbors! Public Meeting for Proposed Rezoning The area bordered by the Alley above 3 rd Street to the Alley below 3 rd Street, between North."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Neighbors! Public Meeting for Proposed Rezoning The area bordered by the Alley above 3 rd Street to the Alley below 3 rd Street, between North 24 th Ave. West & North 28 th Ave. West; from Urban Residential (R-2) to Mixed-Use Neighborhood (MU-N) Tuesday, July 30, 2013

2 Unified Development Chapter The Unified Development Chapter of the City of Duluth Legislative Code (UDC) is the new set of zoning regulations for the City of Duluth The UDC was drafted to implement the Citys 2006 Comprehensive Land Use Plan, which is the communitys vision for growth and development in Duluth over the next 20 years.

3 Rezoning Zoning is the legal body of rules that cities create to regulate how land is developed and used. There are several areas of the city where existing zoning is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Over the next year, the City will be reviewing those areas closely to determine if they need to be rezoned.

4 UDC Rezoning Areas Map

5 Lincoln Park Rezoning Area (Upper) Urban Residential (R-2) to Mixed Use-Neighborhood (MU-N) The Duluth City Planning Division proposes to rezone from Urban Residential (R-2) to Mixed Use-Neighborhood (MU-N) the area bordered by the Alley above 3 rd Street to the Alley below 3 rd Street from North 24 th Avenue West to North 28 th Avenue West

6 Comprehensive Land Use Plan Future Land Use

7 Unified Development Chapter Current Zoning

8 Lincoln Park Rezoning Area (Upper) Urban Residential (R-2) to Mixed Use-Neighborhood (MU-N)

9 Residential Districts Accommodate multi-family apartments and townhouses in an urban setting. Allow for single family detached dwellings, duplexes and group living accommodations. Be primarily for locations closer to commercial and mixed use activity centers. Serve as a transition between lower-density residential areas and more intense commercial and mixed uses. The UDC established Residential-Urban (R-2) Districts to:

10 Permitted Uses in a R-2 District Dwelling, one-family Dwelling, two-family Dwelling townhouse Dwelling, multi-family Dwelling, live-work Assisted living facility Residential care facility (6 or fewer) Residential care facility (7 or more) Government Admin/Civic Bldg. Park, Playground Religious Assembly School, elementary Nursing home Agriculture, urban Veterinarian / animal hospital Bed & breakfast Special Uses Co-housing facility Rooming house Cemetery or mausoleum Club or lodge Museum, library, or art gallery School, middle or high Medical or dental clinic Restaurant (no drive through) Day care facility Funeral home or crematorium Retail store not listed, small Filling Station

11 Mixed Use Districts The purpose of a Mixed Use-Neighborhood (MU-N) Zone The MU-N district is established to accommodate a mix of neighborhood-scale, neighbor-hood serving non-residential uses and a range of residential uses located in close proximity. This district accommodates both horizontal (uses located in separate structures) and vertical (uses located in the same building) types of mixed use. Non-residential uses may include small-scale retail, service and professional offices that provide goods and services to the residents of the surrounding neighborhood.

12 Permitted Uses in a MU-N Zone District School, elementary School, middle or high (S) Medical or dental clinic Nursing home Veterinarian or animal hospital Restaurant (no drive through) (S) Hotel or motel (S) Bed and breakfast Theater (S) Office Funeral Home (S) Personal Service/repair (sm)(lg-S) Grocery Store (small) Retail store (small) Auto / light vehicle repair/ service Filling station (S) Dwelling, one-family Dwelling, two-family Dwelling, townhouse Dwelling, multi-family Dwelling, live-work Assisted living facility Co-housing facility Residential care facility Rooming house Bus or transit station Club or lodge Government building Museum, library or gallery Park, playground Religious Assembly Business, art / vocational schoolt or vocational

13 Lincoln Park Rezoning Area (Upper) Urban Residential (R-2) to Mixed Use-Neighborhood (MU-N)

14 Next Steps Zoning Notice City of Duluth proposes rezoning: From the alley above W. 3 rd St. to the alley below W. 3 rd St. Between N. 24 th Ave. West and North 28 th Ave. West From: Urban Residential (R-2) To: Mixed-Use Neighborhood (MU-N) Planning Commission Public Hearing: August 13, 2013, 5:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers Contact: City Planning at 730-5580

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