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How you will learn the material for this course.

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Presentation on theme: "How you will learn the material for this course."— Presentation transcript:

1 How you will learn the material for this course.

2 Try it, think about it, absorb it.
Material will often be presented in lab before I lecture about it. Lecture will review what you have already discovered. Review labs after lecture to make sure you "get it". To think up new ways to solve a problem. Compare with others – explain what you did, learn new techniques from others.

3 Learning strategies. Some sports analogies
If practice is easy, do you improve?

4 Learning strategies. Some sports analogies
Practice lots of skills. Mix them up. For the game, you don't know which ones you will need when.

5 Learning strategies. Some sports analogies
Group 1: Throw beanbags in buckets 3 feet away, over and over. Group 2: Intermix throwing beanbags to bucket 2 feet away and 4 feet away The test: Later, throw bean bags to buckets 3 feet away. Who did better?

6 Learning strategies. Some sports analogies
Group 1: Throw beanbags in buckets 3 feet away, over and over. Group 2: Intermix throwing beanbags to bucket 2 feet away and 4 feet away The test: Later, throw bean bags to buckets 3 feet away. Who did better? By far, those who had never practiced throwing from 3 feet away! (Both did better than those with no practice!)

7 Doing something wrong is fine. Learn from it.
Labs are for exploring, experimenting. If you don't know the "right way" – that's normal. Think. Try. With your brain, process the outcome. Did it work? Why? What's the rule? You are encouraged to try things beyond what I ask. Talk to your neighbors after you both have tried your own ideas. Share ideas. Labs are for learning.

8 Doing something wrong is fine. Learn from it.
It is not wise to "get answers" from a neighbor. They will learn, you will not. If you are lost, ask a lab assistant or me for help. Don't "help" a neighbor by telling them they are wrong, or what they should be doing. They might finish early, but they will not remember what is important. Lab assistants will help you discover the answers, they won't tell you how to do it.

9 Strategies for labs and homework
Look at other examples from labs and lectures. Refer to lecture notes. Experiment - bad code won't break the computer. You can ask for help from the TA, graders, Prof Baruch.

10 Sources You may use the textbook, and all course materials.
DO NOT use outside sources (other books, the internet). If a person (Aunt Millie, Grandpa Joe) wants to "help" you, they may explain what has been done in class, listen to your ideas. They may not suggest code (even one line) orally or in writing.

11 Why the strict homework policy?
Homework is a chance for you to think, pull together what you have learned. Homework is a chance for you to realize what you don't know. Then you can seek help from me, the professor. Homework is used for evaluation, like a quiz. By evaluating your work, I should be evaluating your progress.

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