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COMMERCE WHAT FUTURE ? A trade union perspective

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Presentation on theme: "COMMERCE WHAT FUTURE ? A trade union perspective"— Presentation transcript:

1 COMMERCE WHAT FUTURE ? A trade union perspective
06/ 07 December 2011, BXL FABRICE WARNECK

2 Challenges Increasing competition from multinationals versus SMEs
New technologies Economic crisis

3 Competition Multinational companies control the national markets: strong lobbying role on national goverments and EU institutions What pressure on / from providers (also big multinationals like e.g. Coca-cola) SMEs v. multinationals. What future for cooperatives ?

4 Competition (2) Pressure to opening on Sundays, night, holidays
Development of different business models: franchising (Carrefour, H&M, …), outsourcing (Metro), co-ownership (Ikea), … Lack of regulation to open a new business Increasing cost of real estate

5 New technologies Self scanning, self check out, RFID, e-commerce
What consequences on labour force ? Job cuts, redeployment, training E.U. S.D. and National C.B. : analyse, exchange of experiences, launch programs of education

6 Economic crisis Less demand, fear First, SMEs have closed
Multinationals have used the crisis as an excuse to increase workload and freeze wages Since 2011 some multinationals start being affected: closing shops, selling logistics/ transport, outsourcing departments, cuting investments for new shops

7 Crisis consequences Multi-tasking job cuts fix- term contracts
increasing workload Wages freezed Lack of motivation High workforce turnover and absenteism Low know-how and experience strikes

8 Solutions Collective bargaining at National (Regional) Company level
Unite to be strong No Social dumping, same rules for all (minimum wage) Education: keep experienced workers, train workers for quality services Keep customers satisfied Collective bargaining at National (Regional) Company level EWCs and W.C.s Bipartite, tripartite funds and bodies LAW should be respected

9 Future Increase the commerce sector added value for customers
Increase workers satisfaction Improve quality of services and develop new services Improve working conditions and education

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