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Better Than Expected Acts 3:1-26

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2 Better Than Expected Acts 3:1-26
Title – Alternate Gothic No.2 BT UPPERCASE Subtitle – TexGyreAdventor Regular


4 Acts 3 The Setting: Low Expectations (1-3).
The Miracle: A New Life (4-8). Montserrat available in the font folder to download.

5 Isaiah 35:5-6 Then the eyes of the blind will be opened And the ears of the deaf will be unstopped. Then the lame will leap like a deer, And the tongue of the mute will shout for joy. For waters will break forth in the wilderness And streams in the Arabah. Montserrat available in the font folder to download.

6 Acts 3 The Setting: Low Expectations (1-3).
The Miracle: A New Life (4-8). The Response: Widespread Amazement (9-11). The Exhortation: Submit to God’s Plan (12-26). Montserrat available in the font folder to download.


8 Application Will you submit your plans to God’s control?
Montserrat available in the font folder to download.

9 Better Than Expected Acts 3:1-26
Title – Alternate Gothic No.2 BT UPPERCASE Subtitle – TexGyreAdventor Regular


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