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Welcome to Politics and Law 2A

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1 Welcome to Politics and Law 2A
Year 11

2 P&L Are there any ‘weird’ or ‘stupid’ laws that you can think of?

3 P&L Weird laws around the world:
It is illegal to read someone’s tarot or give them a psychic reading, as it is a form of witchcraft. (AUS) Fishing is not permitted on Sundays.(Scot) It is against the law to be drunk if you are in possession of a cow. (Scot) Only one child is allowed per family. (Chi) Male doctors are not allowed to examine women, (SA) and female doctors are prohibited.

4 P&L Women cannot appear in public without a male guardian. (SA)
Boarding a plane while it is in flight is illegal. (CAN) It is a crime to set up a mousetrap without a hunting license. (USA) The shooting of game from a moving vehicle is illegal unless the target is a whale. (USA). Juggling is strictly prohibited without a license. (USA)

5 P&L Are there any laws that you disagree with that you would change if you could? Why? Are there any laws that currently do not exist that you think should be introduced?

6 P&L In groups discuss and try to answer what do we mean by the term:

7 Why do societies have a need for “politics”?
P&L Why do societies have a need for “politics”?

8 P&L What do we mean by the term: “Law”?

9 Why do we need law/laws in our society?
P&L Why do we need law/laws in our society?

10 P&L Why are laws laws? I.e./ why is it against the law to kill someone? Why are laws different in other countries? Why do laws change? I.e./ You used to be able to own people(slavery) only 120 years ago.

11 P&L Values!!!!! Values dictate laws.
Conflict in P&L comes from the fact that values conflict. I.e./ people value things differently. Such as the right to life in abortion cases.


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