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Tuesday August 26th Journal:What is your view of how the world was created???? (I know this can be sensitive, but go for it) (Journals go in your comp.

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday August 26th Journal:What is your view of how the world was created???? (I know this can be sensitive, but go for it) (Journals go in your comp."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday August 26th Journal:What is your view of how the world was created???? (I know this can be sensitive, but go for it) (Journals go in your comp book. Write the date!) You will be also taking notes in your comp book! Reminder essays DUE: A Day– Thursday BDAY Friday!!!

2 Native American Literature: Creation Myths

3 What is a myth? The word itself comes from the Greek "mythos" which originally meant "speech" or "discourse"

4 Sacred Narratives A more culturally sensitive term for “origin myths” or “creation myths” No culture appreciates their beliefs being called “myths”… All cultures have their CREATION STORY

5 What is a myth? A traditional story explaining how the world and the things in it came to be

6 Oral tradition Native American myths originated as oral tradition: stories passed down verbally

7 Four functions of myth:

8 1. To awaken us to the mystery and wonder of creation

9 2. To explain the workings of the natural world: every corner, every rock, hill, stone, and flower has its place and its meaning.

10 3. To pass down the moral and ethical codes that support and validate social customs.

11 to guide the people through the trials of living
4. To teach: to guide the people through the trials of living

12 Explain how the universe, the earth, and life on earth began.
Creation myths Explain how the universe, the earth, and life on earth began.

13 Essentials of Creation Myths

14 Creation Myths… SHOW WHAT IS IMPORTANT TO THE TRIBE! (corn, animals, rituals, etc.) State the place and people of origin 3. Describe what existed before the “creation” 4. EXPLAIN the “creation” of things or the beginnings of rituals 5. EXPLAIN who or what did the creating

15 Story Telling- Native American

16 Brainstorm as a class elements in NATURE that could make for a good CREATION myth. After you have selected one: 1. Write a myth explaining that element - Write a practice 2. illustrate and color your myth book

17 Brainstorm- characterisitics of both
August 28th-29th Brainstorm- characterisitics of both Written Tradition Oral Tradition

18 On a blank sheet of paper
Copy down the sentences below: Put your name in the upper right corner In the beginning darkness….

19 September 3rd Text Book Assignment Read pg 15-16
1. What 3 generalizations does Bruchac make about American Indian oral traditions? 2. Identify 3 comparisons Bruchac makes between American Indian and Western views of the world. Next look at the art on page 17. How does the artist use the color and shape of the wolf’s tongue to direct your attention? Why has the artist chosen to make the trees so flat and simple? Why is the wolf colored black? What story or message about the wolf does the artist convey through details of its face and other details in the artwork?

20 *** STUDY FOR QUIZ *** 10 minutes

21 NATIVE MYTH QUIZ 1. List the 4 functions of Myths.
2. Define the word Myth and its origin. 3. List the 5 characteristics of the CREATION MYTH When you are done, turn your paper over. Draw a picture (school appropriate).

22 Ojibway Creation Video
Blackfeet Creation Story


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