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Welcome to Mrs. Parker’s Preschool Orientation 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mrs. Parker’s Preschool Orientation 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mrs. Parker’s Preschool Orientation 2017

2 My family:

3 My Goals: Your Child will be 1. Safe 2. Happy 3. Learning 4. Having Fun

4 I’m Looking forward to getting to know your child
I’m Looking forward to getting to know your child! Please fill out informational paper in folder.

5 Center Based Learning based on the MA Curriculum Frameworks/Standards

6 Cross curricula centers incorporating and developing: Oral Language Science Math Reading/phonics and phonemic awareness Technology Fine motor Social Emotional

7 Art, Music, & Phys Ed. rotating basis per semester Phys ed
Art, Music, & Phys Ed. rotating basis per semester Phys ed. is Monday Must wear sneakers

8 Daily Schedule (Talk about it with your child so they will know what to expect.)

9 9:00 Bathroom Circle: share news take care of morning business
9:00 Bathroom Circle: share news take care of morning business. Calendar: dress Freddy the Frog, change the date, counting, numbers, letter drills days of the week, months etc. Story time Centers: cross curricular small group Recess Bathroom/Lunch Bathroom Rest/Nap Time Centers: cross curricular small group Specialist Free Choice: play in an open center of your choice. Dismissal 2:25

10 Classroom is very warm. Dress for the weather
Classroom is very warm! Dress for the weather! Please no long pants and shirts just yet. Layers are best. Label everything!!! Sunscreen: apply at home! We will have outdoor centers, nature walks & story time outside on beautiful days.

11 Contact Info: Volunteers Welcome!

12 Room Mother helps to plan for special events and projects
Room Mother helps to plan for special events and projects. Please let me know if you are interested in filling that role. Share your if you’d like to sign up to send supplies in.

13 If there are concerns about your child that you’d like to share with me today, ie; bathroom issues, separation anxiety, allergies or medication, please see me before you leave. Please take your child to the bathroom before you leave today and show them how to use the stalls and sinks.

14 Lots of families ask how they can help to support the classroom with supplies. If you would like to send some supplies in, please take one or two “lending hands”. Return the hands when you send in the supplies. Thank you for coming!

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