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Section 3: Transition Metal Ions

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1 Section 3: Transition Metal Ions

2 Some transition metals form more than one cation with different charges
ex – Iron can form two different cations: Fe2+ - Iron (II) Fe3+ - Iron (III)

3 Group 14 metals also form multiple cations
Tin can form two different cations: Sn2+ - tin (II) Sn4+ - tin (IV) Lead can form two different cations: Pb2+ - lead (II) Pb4+ - lead (IV)

4 Ion Charges Zinc is always Zn2+ ; silver is always Ag+ 1 1A 18 8A H+ 2
13 3A 14 4A 15 5A 16 6A 17 7A Li+ Be2+ N3- O2- F- 3 Na+ Mg2+ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Al3+ P3- S2- Cl- K+ Ca2+ Ti4+ Ti3+ V5+ V4+ Cr3+ Cr2+ Mn2+ Mn4+ Fe3+ Fe2+ Co2+ Co3+ Ni2+ Ni3+ Cu2+ Cu+ Zn2+ Ga3+ Ge+4 As3- Se2- Br- Rb+ Sr2+ Pd2+ Pd4+ Ag+ In3+ Sn2+ Sn4+ Te2- I- Cs+ Ba2+ Pt4+ Pt2+ Au3+ Au+ Hg2+ Hg+ Pb2+ Pb4+ At- Fr+ Ra2+ Zinc is always Zn2+ ; silver is always Ag+

5 Writing Ionic Compound Formulas
Example: Iron(III) chloride Write the formulas for the cation and anion, including CHARGES! 2. Balance charges, if necessary, using subscripts. (crisscross charges) Fe3+ Cl-

6 Writing Ionic Compound Formulas
Example: Iron(III) chloride Write the formulas for the cation and anion, including CHARGES! 2. Balance charges, if necessary, using subscripts. (crisscross charges) 3. Erase charges. FeCl3

7 Writing Ionic Compound Formulas
Example: lead (IV) nitride Write the formulas for the cation and anion, including CHARGES! 2. Balance charges, if necessary, using subscripts. (crisscross charges) Pb4+ N3-

8 Writing Ionic Compound Formulas
Example: lead (IV) nitride Write the formulas for the cation and anion, including CHARGES! 2. Balance charges, if necessary, using subscripts. (crisscross charges) 3. Erase charges. Pb3N4

9 Naming Ionic Compounds
For metals that form more than one cation, use a Roman numeral in the name Ex 1 – Write the chemical name for PbCl2 Pb2+ or Pb+4? lead (II) chloride

10 Naming Ionic Compounds
For metals that form more than one cation, use a Roman numeral in the name Ex 2 – Write the name for Cu3P Cu+ or Cu2+ ? copper (I) phosphide

11 Naming Ionic Compounds
For metals that form more than one cation, use a Roman numeral in the name Ex 3 – Write the name for CrO Cr2+ or Cr3+ ? Chromium (II) oxide

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