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Mme Ibara IB Français NM Bienvenue à Bonjour! Essential learnings

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1 Mme Ibara IB Français NM Bienvenue à Bonjour! Essential learnings
What is IB French SL? Essential learnings IB French SL/HL (Français NM/NS)) is an Honors-level French course meant to be an SL or HL offering for an IB diploma student a way to earn an IB certificate a continuation of French study The course is thematic, and will both broaden and deepen your knowledge of the language and culture. You will be reading extensively and writing using many different text types. You will also not only polish your conversation skills but also become proficient in narration, debate, and descriptive speaking. You will also be extending your vocabulary knowledge, which will improve your proficiency in speaking and writing. Last but certainly not least, you will be developing international-mindedness through the study of language, culture, and issues of global significance. I can communicate in sentences and short paragraphs in the present, future, and past about myself, my community, and what’s going on in the world (Speaking) I can identify important information when listening to authentic sources such as films, songs, and podcasts (Listening) I can understand the topic, main idea, and important details when reading authentic sources such as news articles, literature, and online sites in French (Reading) I can complete paragraphs and advanced vocabulary to communicate about a wide array of subjects in formats such as s, summaries, and short essays (Writing) I can show that I am aware of my own and other people's way of life and of the attitudes and perspectives that guide behavior and influence beliefs (Culture) DIFFERENCES - SL vs HL: Grammar and vocabulary are the same Both will practice all skills, many times using the same material HL rubrics are more rigorous for all assessments There is a literature component to the HL course The Individual Oral exams are completely different IB Français NM Bonjour! Mme Ibara Room 214

2 mes souhaits les notes technologie
Assessments: quizzes, tests, readings, writing assignments Employability: punctuality (arrival), punctuality (classwork), preparedness (materials), focus (time on task), team work I will try to always post on the board whether or not you need to have your devices out or available. Please don’t take out your cell phone unless I specifically ask you to! I have a Weebly website. You will also be using Google Classroom, Quia, and Quizlet a lot. I will also use Remind if needed. be nice stay engaged work hard Beginning of class  Take a seat, look at the screen for technology instructions. During class  SPEAK FRENCH! Be an active participant in your learning. Listen, collaborate, and ask questions. Always  Respect other people’s feelings, belongings, and space. Make this a positive, fun learning environment for everyone! MAKE-UP WORK & RETAKES: You can retake tests and quizzes if: 1. you come in & review with Mme Ibara, 2. it is within 3 weeks after the original grade is posted. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO RESCHEDULE MISSED ASSESSMENTS! academic dishonesty Display integrity in all that you do. That means no plagiarism, no electronic translation. Academic dishonesty will NOT be tolerated under any circumstances. obligations Technology device French binder Paper, pens A positive attitude Do your own work in order to learn the language!

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