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Birmingham Public health and care open data

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Presentation on theme: "Birmingham Public health and care open data"— Presentation transcript:

1 Birmingham Public health and care open data
Ralph Smith – Service manager, public health intelligence

2 My brief your role and that of public health, especially linked to open data; an overview of what open data is available in Health and Care in Birmingham/the Region; what current/imminent developments/projects you are aware of and who are the key players

3 Birmingham Public Health and Open data
is population based emphasises collective responsibility for health, its protection and disease prevention recognises the key role of the state, linked to a concern for the underlying socio-economic and wider determinants of health, as well as disease emphasises partnerships with all those who contribute to the health of the population.

4 Birmingham Public Health and Open data
Public Health Intelligence Public Health Intelligence or epidemiology is the study of factors affecting the health and illness of populations, and serves as the foundation and logic of interventions made in the interest of public health and preventative medicine.

5 Birmingham Public Health and Open data
BCC PH Open data District profiles, JSNA, needs assessments (not very open) Core record-level health datasets Mortality Births Hospital episodes National Child Measurement Programme Smoking cessation NHS healthchecks

6 Birmingham Adult Social Care (ASC) and Open data


8 Birmingham Adult Social Care (ASC) and Open data
Local care home ratings data

9 Birmingham Adult Social Care (ASC) and Open data
Care homes - National CQC inspections API Downloadable directories, ratings

10 ASC Market Position Statement
Locked up in PDFs

11 Overview of health and care data in Birmingham/Region
National/regional/local sources of data and visualisation – Public Health England fingertips tool Local Health

12 Fingertips contain over 4000 datasets




16 NHS open data, NHS Digital
NHS Digital (health and care; but more health) Via Via UK data archive Via own website “Indicator portal”

17 NHS open data, NHS England
Many statistical products Aggregated for NHS use – hospital trust/CCG

18 current/imminent developments/projects : key players
BCC Information Strategy – development of OD Provision of PH open data on BDC WMCA Office for Data Analytics

19 Other OD portals and health data

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