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Wendy Luker Associate Director, Libraries and Learning Innovation

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1 Embedding Digital Literacy at Leeds Metropolitan University: One Year On
Wendy Luker Associate Director, Libraries and Learning Innovation Erin Nephin Library Academic Support Team Manager

2 In this Session How the Undergraduate Curriculum review gave opportunities to embed digital literacy; The impact of the implementation our resource discovery tool (“Discover”) with the launch of digital literacy as a graduate attribute; Examples of sessions/support mechanisms created to support the roll-out Feedback on lessons learned Update on where we are since last year’s session, and the completion of the UG curriculum review Implementation of the Discover tool at the same time as we were rolling out Digital Literacy as a graduate attribute, and how this helped with embedding our work Examples of the types of training events we have offered, and infrastructure changes we have made to support the roll-out Lessons learnt …

3 At last year’s conference…
Definition of “Digital Literacy” at Leeds Metropolitan The Undergraduate Curriculum review Initial staff support and development Examples of existing good practice Initial evaluation How we arrived at our definition UG curriculum review; ALs as global reviewers; huge opportunity to embed digital literacy skills development within the curriculum, and also to ensure that resource lists were up to date, and reflected our electronic as well as our print content Types of staff development we offered during the period of the review We already had some good content, and were well embedded in some areas; ALs were able to point to work they were already doing with other curriculum areas and extend this across the piece Initial evaluation – i-book

4 “Discover”: its impact
400,000 additional full-text downloads during our busiest month 88% increase in the number of ebook accesses Increase in positive feedback from Student Representatives on ease of accessing Library resources

5 Training sessions delivered
Students All staff (Academic, Partners and Support Staff) “On the Road”

6 Support Mechanisms Developed by
Centre for Teaching and Learning Skills for Learning Collections in the University Repository Academic Librarians Centre for Learning and Teaching – comprehensive guidance on how to embed DL S4L – lens on graduate attributes, including DL Repository – points to GAs and gathers together materials that are already in there

7 Academic Staff and Partners

8 Core Content Modules

9 Digital Literacy and Support Staff

10 Digital Literacy and Support Staff

11 Digital Literacy and Employability

12 Digital Literacy and Employability

13 Digital Literacy for Employability

14 Digital Literacy and Employability

15 -Member of Academic Staff
Feedback so far “[In our Faculty] we were already fairly embedded in most courses, but this has given us access to all courses.” -Academic Librarian “We’ve seen a big change in the quality of work and diversity of resources being used by students in their assignments.” -Member of Academic Staff “I wasn’t aware that I could use the Library or ask for help in finding information to support my work.” -Member of Support Staff “[The embedding of Digital Literacy] has emphasised the good practice taking place.” -Global Reviewer “The skills I have gained mean that I can adapt to new and changing situations.” -Student

16 Next Steps Online Learning Materials Strategy
New Digital Skills workshops Sessions co-delivered by Academic Librarians and the Repository Developer

17 Wendy Luker Erin Nephin
Questions? Wendy Luker Erin Nephin

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