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Active Citizenship Project

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1 Active Citizenship Project

2 What is the plan? In groups of 2-3, you are going to define and research active citizenship and its representation in Canada. With this research you will create a presentation of some kind to be shared in class.

3 What are you doing? Create a working definition for “Active Citizenship.” Choose a person who best exemplifies (shows) this definition. Create a plan for how you are going to be an active citizen. Create a presentation about them. The presentation should be 8-10 minutes long.

4 Choosing your Citizen Your citizen must be Canadian.
Answer the following questions: WHO are they? (Full name) WHAT makes them an active citizenship WHEN (timeline of their life and their actions) WHY did you choose this citizen? HOW are you going to use their actions as inspiration for your own life?

5 Presenting your citizen
Use bullet points on the PowerPoint/prezi/poster board, etc. Don’t just read off your notes though! You should make sure that you are effectively presenting and not just reading off a piece of paper. Have fun with this!

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