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Why language B? There are 3 categories of group 2 EE:

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Presentation on theme: "Why language B? There are 3 categories of group 2 EE:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why language B? There are 3 categories of group 2 EE:
-Cat 1 – Language: questions in generally, linguistic nature -Cat 2 – Culture and society: a topic of a socio-cultural nature that has had an influence on the target language category 2B—a topic of a cultural nature specific to a community or country where the target language is spoken, based on a cultural object, or “artifact” - Cat 3 - literary analysis of a work in the target language (not in translation)

2 Criterion A: Research question
The importance of choosing an appropriate question cannot be overstated. The research question should be focused and not too broad in scope. Overly complicated questions do not work well, nor do simple yes/no questions. The question should be interesting and will be successful if the student feels he or she has something important to say about the topic.

3 Criterion B: Introduction
The research question should be included early in the essay, so the introduction is the logical place in which to explicitly mention it. Many students think it is enough to state the research question on the coversheet or in the abstract, but neither of these sections is actually part of the essay. The introduction is the place to explain how the question is related to the language or culture, why it makes an interesting study, and how the student intends to discuss it. In the case of a literary essay, any important background knowledge the reader might need should be included here. However, the student should avoid a lengthy plot summary, unless it is an obscure book.

4 Criterion C: Investigation
Criterion D: Knowledge and understanding of the topic studied Criterion E: Reasoned argument Criterion F: Application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject Criterion G: Use of language appropriate to the subject Criterion H: Conclusion Criterion I: Formal presentation Criterion J: Abstract Criterion K: Holistic judgment

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