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Using the dictionary, atlas, almanac, or encyclopedia

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Presentation on theme: "Using the dictionary, atlas, almanac, or encyclopedia"— Presentation transcript:

1 Using the dictionary, atlas, almanac, or encyclopedia
How Do I Find It? Using the dictionary, atlas, almanac, or encyclopedia

2 I have a question! Where do we go in life to get our questions answered? How do we find out who, what, where, when, and why? (The 5 W’s)

3 Using a Dictionary Gives definitions of words or phrases
Tells pronunciation Tells where a word comes from Words are in alphabetical order There are guide words at the top of the page to help you find a word

4 When should I choose a dictionary?
How do you pronounce Kyrgyzstan? What is an onomatopoeia? Is the word “parachute” a noun or a verb? Can it be both? Where did the word “incognito” come from?

5 Using an Encyclopedia Alphabetical order just like the dictionary
More complete information than you find in dictionaries Has factual articles on many topics Yes, you have to use the index! The outline is great, too! General encyclopedias cover a wide range of topics Special encyclopedias cover just one topic or field A good starting point for research

6 When should I choose an encyclopedia?
My parents are making me move to Kansas. What is it like there? Why do they call it the sunflower state? My research paper is on the monetary systems of the world. Where do I start?

7 Using an Atlas Made up of maps Political maps show boundaries
Physical maps show the terrain Maps may also tell you about climate, economy, religions, vegetation, or ocean currents. Special atlases may contain historical info, archaeology, the universe, weather, etc.

8 When should I choose an atlas?
How do I get to Kalamazoo? Do you have anything that shows me the locations of the battles of the Civil War? Where is Kiribati, and what does its flag look like?

9 Using an Almanac Contains a lot of different facts and information
The info is always very current because it is published every year Not listed in alphabetical order Use indexes A lot of resources packed into one book

10 When should I choose an almanac?
What’s the largest city in the world? Who won the World Series in 1955? Who were the last 10 Nobel Prize winners? When was Taft president?

11 Reference Review True or false: Reference books are untrue.
We usually keep reference books inside the library. Maps of many places will be found in an almanac. When you are looking for information about a person, you should look them up by their last name. A good place to start researching a topic is in the encyclopedia. Topics are listed by alphabetical order in the dictionary, encyclopedia, atlas, and almanac.

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