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The Kindergarten Weekly News

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2 The Kindergarten Weekly News
Header Type here! The Kindergarten Weekly News 10/ 23/17-10/27/17 This Week’s Themes Our unit question for our 2nd reading unit is…How are animals and plants hat unique thing does a bear do in the winter? We will continue our theme this week of Pumpkins and How they grow… Reading and Literature Story: Bear Snores On Comprehension: Realism vs. fantasy Amazing Words: Sight Words: we, my, like Phonological Awareness: Syllables, blending onset and rime, initial sounds, distinguishing rhymes and blending sounds to produce a word, segmenting the sounds in a word Conventions: Adjectives for size, numbers, shapes and colors Genre: Animal Fantasy Letters: C, Q, O, G Decodable Book: The Cap Themed Activities: Pumpkin Sequencing Craft, A Pumpkin Grows Book, Pumpkin Puppet Craft Math This weeks Essential Question in Math: How do you sort objects? And Does the size of a shape change its name? Objective: Find and describe flat shapes, explain decisions about classification of Triangles, rectangles, hexagons and squares. Writing and Handwriting This week we in our Handwriting Without Tears program we will be learning how to write the letters C, O, Q, G and continue practicing using the following verbiage when describing how to write/form the letters and numbers and they are all formed by using the following 4 Phrases: Big Line, Little Line, Small Curve, Big Curve. Please have your child complete the practice handwriting sheets that were sent home today in your child’s folder. We are also working in our journals and writing and drawing about the prompt that is given by teacher. Journal Page about what they want to be for Halloween.

3 Important Dates to Remember
Field Trip Please make sure you return your child’s field trip for and payment on or before October 25th. We will need to start planning our groups for the trip and will need to know what students and parents will be join us! Thank You!! Fall Kindergarten Celebration We are still in need of parent helpers for both times AM and PM activities for our Fall festival. Please send back the attached page to the flyer that was sent home with the time you can help and the items you would like to donate. Important Dates to Remember October 25th- Permission slip for field trip due October 26th- Book Bash at Peter Piper Pizza October 27th-Field Trip October 31st-Kindergarten Fall Festival November 3rd- School Fall Festival 5-8pm November 10th- No School Veterans Day Observed November 3rd-Half Day November 20th-24th- Thanksgiving Break Donation Station Thank you to those parents who have sent in items for our fall party and who have signed up to volunteer. We really appreciate all your help and support! The Kindergarten Teachers

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