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VM Phaseout for TC, VMS and Networking

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1 VM Phaseout for TC, VMS and Networking
This presentation will probably involve audience discussion, which will create action items. Use PowerPoint to keep track of these action items during your presentation In Slide Show, click on the right mouse button Select “Meeting Minder” Select the “Action Items” tab Type in action items as they come up Click OK to dismiss this box This will automatically create an Action Item slide at the end of your presentation with your points entered. VM Phaseout for TC, VMS and Networking Les Cottrell 2/23/2019 9:35:12 PM /afs/slac/u/sf/cottrell/talk/slac/vm-phaseout-nov97.ppt

2 VMS Need to move SETUP off VM to VMS
Currently VMS requests to reserve a tape to be mounted in a silo drive go thru VM Need before May-98 (when VM goes away) Mike Wendling & SLD have responsibility Estimate 2 man weeks 2/23/2019 9:35:12 PM /afs/slac/u/sf/cottrell/talk/slac/vm-phaseout-nov97.ppt

3 Networking Require VM for Micom connectivity reports
Micom plan to decommission Dec-31-97 Need to confirm date with remaining users (BSD + a few) & announce (again) Responsible people Hooker & Martell Not a problem unless BSD holds out 2/23/2019 9:35:12 PM /afs/slac/u/sf/cottrell/talk/slac/vm-phaseout-nov97.ppt

4 Telecommunications PHONE exec etc.
Allows ATOMs to request moves, adds, changes and queries to phones & directory, requires: about 6 forms for input & validation tracking infrastructure, allow follow up depends on Xedit, menu product, REXX etc. uses Oracle for storing requests etc Very complex REXX exec to support the user interface, heavy VM dependence 2/23/2019 9:35:12 PM /afs/slac/u/sf/cottrell/talk/slac/vm-phaseout-nov97.ppt

5 Telecommunications PHONE (continued) Needs total redesign/rewrite
probably suitable for Remedy looking for COTS ~ 100 ATOMs need retraining In evaluation & scoping (Brenda, Frank, Larry W) 2/23/2019 9:35:12 PM /afs/slac/u/sf/cottrell/talk/slac/vm-phaseout-nov97.ppt

6 Telecommunications Phone Utilization - Call Detail Records
Provides reports on utilization by phone number etc. Required for: waste, fraud & abuse checking bill reconciliation planning CDR records PBX -> uVAX -> NFS -> archive -> REXX (selection) & SAS (for analysis) 2/23/2019 9:35:12 PM /afs/slac/u/sf/cottrell/talk/slac/vm-phaseout-nov97.ppt

7 Telecommunications CDR (continued)
Making sure data is archived without needing VM (Frank, Teresa) Gathering current requirements ATOMs, Legal, personnel, directors … (Brenda) Looking for COTS - looks expensive Port existing system from VM to Unix REXX exec ~11 pages, probably portable, but probably 2 weeks to month to do SAS programs portable (Lois wrote) 2/23/2019 9:35:12 PM /afs/slac/u/sf/cottrell/talk/slac/vm-phaseout-nov97.ppt

8 Telecommunications CDR (continued) Top priority
SAS on VM goes away Dec-31-97 If cannot move in time then Fall back is to renew SAS license, or have no reports for a while & do by hand in emergency 2/23/2019 9:35:12 PM /afs/slac/u/sf/cottrell/talk/slac/vm-phaseout-nov97.ppt

9 Summary Networking OK assumes no surprises from BSD VMS will need diversion of resources (Mike W), but not a crisis Telecommunications PHONE subsystem - major effort, still scoping, probably OK for May 98 CDR records is a crisis, giving it top priority, deadline Dec-97 2/23/2019 9:35:12 PM /afs/slac/u/sf/cottrell/talk/slac/vm-phaseout-nov97.ppt

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