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The Early Empire Section 4 Pg. 286 - 294.

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1 The Early Empire Section 4 Pg

2 Let’s Review… As we learned in the past three sections, Rome had changed a lot over its history. Most notably, many leaders wanted to change the structure of the government from a Republic to a dictatorship (one leader rules). However, in order to maintain peace, Augustus (Octavian) made himself Emperor – but allowed the Senate to have limited powers.

3 Vocabulary Pax Romana – Peace of Rome/Roman Peace that lasted 200 years Aqueduct – human made channel for carrying water long distances Currency – system of money

4 Augustus Caesar

5 Achievements Becoming emperor in 27 BC, Augustus set out to make the empire strong and safe. Built a permanent, professional army 150, 000 men – all Roman citizens Created a special unit called, Praetorian Guard 9, 000 men in charge of guarding the emperor

6 Achievements Rebuilt Rome with many palaces and public buildings
Imported grains from Africa to feed his people *By making sure people of Rome had enough to eat, what did Augustus accomplish?

7 Achievements Appointed a governor (proconsul) to rule over provinces – sections of the empire

8 Achievements Changed the tax laws so that the tax collectors worked for the government (prevented the tax collectors from keeping the money collected) Created laws for all Roman citizens

9 The Julio-Claudian Emperors
Augustus died in 14 AD Emperors followed and accomplished different things – all of these emperors were related to Augustus in some way You are to open your book to page 288 and in the table in your notes, bullet the following information…..

10 Tiberius 14-37 AD Regulated (set up rules) for business
Prevented fraud; kept economy stable

11 Caligula 37-41 AD Abolished (got rid of) sales tax
Increased the power of the courts Allowed people in exile (forced to stay away) to return

12 Claudius 41-54 AD Built a new aqueduct for Rome Conquered most of

13 Nero AD Built new buildings Gave slaves the right to complain

14 Not all emperors at this time were good men
Many were cruel leaders who had killed anyone opposing the Roman way of life Many early Christians were brutally murdered for Nero’s entertainment or simply because they chose not to obey Roman religious law Forced to defend themselves against wild animals during the “Bread and Circus” events without weapons or help Nero committed suicide and Vespasian (close general) restored peace and built the Colosseum

15 The Good Emperors

16 In your text turn to page 292 and in your notes, fill in what the good emperors had done - you may bullet the information.

17 Roman Expansion

18 What trade items came from the various regions of the Empire?

19 Booming Economy Most people made a living from the land
Industry was important too Potters, weavers, glass, bronze, brass Traders came from all over the Empire to Italy Silks (China), spices (India) – for the wealthy Tin (Britain), lead (Spain), iron (Gaul – France) – for workshops

20 Booming Economy Thanks to the 50, 000 miles of roads and a safe sea, trade flourished A common currency allowed people to use the same money to consistently price goods throughout the empire no matter where trading happened

21 Inequality Roman wealthy benefitted a great deal from the trade
Most city dwellers remained poor or enslaved

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