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ESDS in Statistics Lithuania concentrating on user training

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1 ESDS in Statistics Lithuania concentrating on user training
BIRUTĖ STOLYTĖ Senior specialist Public Relations division 1-2 April, 2008, Luxembourg ESDS service in Statistics Lithuania

2 Why training is current priority?
Benefits for SL 0.5 part-time employee, holidays, sickness, etc. – risks in breakdown in response time and quality For outside users extracting information independently of working hours, digging deeper into Eurostat website structure, promoting the service to colleagues 1-2 April, 2008, Luxembourg ESDS service in Statistics Lithuania

3 Target user groups Inside the SL system:
Quarterly for new staff in central office and refreshing courses – they use it for analysis, publications, replies to user requests ( around 15 participants each quarter) Annual for Regional statistical offices – they use it for direction of users in regions interested in European statistics, esp. regional indicators (Dec – 60 participants) 1-2 April, 2008, Luxembourg ESDS service in Statistics Lithuania

4 Target user groups Outside users: Other Stakeholders
Public administration, Parliament – use for strategic and political decision-making (latest Feb participants) Partners in official statistics Lithuanian Bank – for financial information (Dec – 30 participants) State Tax Inspectorate, Customs department – for information on taxes paid, enterprises, etc. (Dec – 6 participants) Other Respondents and Business associations – for business decisions + tangible feedback for filling in statistical forms (seminar for association of Construction enterprises, March participants) Students – for course papers, analysis (March 2007 – 90 participants) Media – for public information and comparison of topical issues (latest 2006) 1-2 April, 2008, Luxembourg ESDS service in Statistics Lithuania

5 Training forms Seminars Telephone / face-to-face guidance
General overview of Eurostat website and services, circulation of leaflets, brochures, handouts Demonstration of website and DB structure, definitions, metadata Guidance through specific domain targeted at specific user group Exercises, discussions Telephone / face-to-face guidance walking hand-in-hand through Eurostat website translating even titles of tables, indicators and metadata into national language showing Eurostat publications in the Library 1-2 April, 2008, Luxembourg ESDS service in Statistics Lithuania

6 Effects For SL For outside users
in national website version May-Dec – 8051 unique visitor, January–March 15, 2008 – 6657 already. “First visit” description translated and to be incorporated in the website. Use of Eurostat figures for the monthly bulletin “Economic and social development of Lithuania”, leaflet “Lithuania in Europe”, reports to stakeholders For outside users explanation in national language, even with translation of titles of tables, metadata, indicators, etc. ? Risks? – finding not the right information, but the same may happen when users going directly to Eurostat’s website 1-2 April, 2008, Luxembourg ESDS service in Statistics Lithuania

7 Thank you for your attention. Any questions?
1-2 April, 2008, Luxembourg ESDS service in Statistics Lithuania

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