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Kyle Fitzpatrick Konstantin Zak 11/29/2004

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1 Kyle Fitzpatrick Konstantin Zak 11/29/2004
Makefiles: A Tutorial Kyle Fitzpatrick Konstantin Zak 11/29/2004

2 Outline Compiling Necessity for Makefiles Components of Makefiles

3 Compilation Compiler – C to assembly
Assembler – Assembly to object code Linker – Links object code with built in functions

4 Compiling with Multiple Files
Compile green.o: cc -c green.c Compile blue.o: cc -c blue.c Link the parts together: cc green.o blue.o

5 History of Make Original Unix tools for Software Engineering
S.I. Feldman of AT&T Bell Labs circa 1975. Public domain versions now, such as GNU

6 Before Makefiles Use the up arrow to go back to previous compile statement Two major downfalls If compile command is lost, or computers switched, command must be retyped If changes only made to one file, recompiling everything is time consuming and inefficient

7 Need for Makefiles Large programming projects
Compiling multiple files from command line can become tedious GNU Make program makes it much easier Those who have compiled software on Linux probably used ‘make’

8 How Makefiles Work When ‘make’ is invoked, it looks for a file called ‘Makefile’ Makefile holds a set of rules for compiling a project

9 Rules A simple makefile consists of "rules" with the following shape:
target ... : prerequisites ... command ...

10 Definitions Target – name of a file that is generated by a program, such as executables or objects Prerequisite – file that is used as input to create the target Usually multiple inputs Command – action that make carries out

11 Dependencies

12 Macros Make string substitutions for files or command options that appear a lot form NAME=string, where NAME is a macro name you choose and string is the macro value TARGET_DIR=/product/install DEBUG_LEVEL=3 COMPILE := $(CC) $(MODCFLAGS) $(AODV_FLAGS) -I$(KPATH)

13 Targets usually the name of a file that is generated by a program
Phony targets – not the name of a file, but an action to carry out, such as `clean' to avoid a conflict with a file of the same name and to improve performance.

14 Explicit and Implicit Rules
An explicit rule says when and how to remake one or more files, called the rule's targets An implicit rule says when and how to remake a class of files based on their names C compilation typically takes a `.c' file and makes a `.o' file foo : foo.o bar.o cc -o foo foo.o bar.o $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) Make will look for foo.c since there are no rules for foo.o

15 Conditionals Same basic principles as the conditionals we know and love Control what make actually "sees" in the makefile

16 Complex Makefile

17 Example Kernel AODV

18 References

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