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Why the strategy of ‘Total War?’

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1 Why the strategy of ‘Total War?’

2 Sherman’s “March to the Sea”
“The devils seem to have a determination that cannot but be admired. No amount of poverty or adversity seems to shake their faith – niggers gone – wealth and luxury gone, money worthless, starvation in view within a period of two or three years, are causes enough to make the bravest tremble, yet I see no sign of let up – some few deserters – plenty tired of war, but the masses determined to fight it out.” General William Tecumseh Sherman

3 “March to the Sea” Known for his “scorched earth” and “total war” strategies “War is all hell.” - Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman

4 Sherman in Georgia “Total War” strategy
               1. a war in which every available weapon is used                2. a war with no restrictions on any weapons, land fought on, victims, and the reason for war                3. a war with no rules

5 Sherman’s “March to the Sea”
Nov. 15 – Dec. 21, 1864 Path of destruction through Georgia at times 60 miles wide, again destroying railroads, warehouses, mills, factories, etc. Causes $100 million in property damage

6 Sherman in Georgia Aug., 1864 enters Georgia
Destroys railroads, warehouses, mills, factories, etc. - On Sept. 2, 1864, Sherman enters Atlanta, and the city is set on fire


8 Do we fight wars like this today?
Why or why not?

9 Destruction of the South

10 Destruction of the South

11 Destruction of the South

12 Destruction of the South

13 Destruction of the South

14 Destruction of the South

15 Destruction of the South

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