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Common Core Standards:

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1 Common Core Standards:
RL , RL , RI Thursday, November 1st, 2018 Aim: How can we prepare for the English Regents Exam by practicing our test-taking skills in the Midterm Exam? Do Now Listen to the exam instructions and strategies for success (earn up to 20 extra credit points by showing evidence of #2, 3, 4, 5, and 6): ) Preview questions before reading passages ) Circle key words in questions to to lead you to answers in the reading passages ) Underline line #s in the reading passages (the line #s referred to in the questions) ) Annotate reading passages (write summary notes in the margins) ) Cover up the answer choices with the hand you don’t write with and write your own answer in the margin ) POE (process of elimination) ) “Which of the following…” questions are the hardest and longest. Leave these questions at the end. Show any owed homework!

2 Common Core Standards: RL.11-12.2, RL.11-12.3, RI.11-12.2
Thursday, November 1st, 2018 Aim: How can we prepare for the English Regents Exam by practicing our test-taking skills in the Midterm Exam? Agenda Do Now: Listen to exam instructions and strategies for success Work Period: Finish the Midterm Exam Create vocabulary flashcards for the word walls! Work on owed HW Begin HW due on Monday. Reflections: How did the exam go today? In which areas do you excel and which areas do you need to work on?

3 Date: Word of the Week 9 Keyword: Participate (verb), Participatory (adjective) Information: to take part in; taking part in Memory Clues:

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