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Presentation on theme: "Seminole."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seminole

2 The Seminole nation is made up of many native tribes from Florida and Georgia, that joined together in the 1700’s for protection from the white settlers.

3 They started out in northern Florida, but when the Americans attacked them, the Seminole tribe retreated further south, into the Everglades. .

4 The Everglades is wet, swampy land that is covered with saw grass marshes and many slow moving streams of water.

5 There are islands in the swamp that are called hammocks
There are islands in the swamp that are called hammocks. They are only a few inches above the water but are still firm enough for trees to grow on them.

6 Many animals lived in the Everglades including panthers, bobcats, alligators, deer, otter, turtles, fish, and birds.

7 The Seminole were good hunters
The Seminole were good hunters. They planted crops behind their homes and on nearby hammocks. They also ate wild pineapples, mangos guava, oranges, and mulberry trees.

8 Their houses were called Chickees
Their houses were called Chickees. They consisted of thick posts supporting a thatched roof and a flat wooden platform. It was raised several feet off the ground because of flooding and swamp animals. They did not have any walls.

9 The Seminole wore hand-sewn patchwork clothes
The Seminole wore hand-sewn patchwork clothes. They were bright and cheery, sometimes with silver jewelry sewn on them. They loved to wear beads.

10 They traveled by canoe. They often decorated them with family colors.

11 The Seminoles enjoyed songs, dancing and ball games

12 There were two big festivals held each
year. The Green Corn Dance was held in June andthe Hunting Dance in September.

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