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Origins of the Cold War.

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1 Origins of the Cold War

2 Origins of the Cold War The Soviet Union’s (USSR) alliance with the United States was strained before WWII ended The conflict became the Cold War The USSR wanted to keep Germany weak, spread communism United States believed in economic expansionism and democratic ideals for peace

3 Origins of the Cold War Post-war Germany was divided into four zones under the control of Britain, US USSR and France Soviets demanded Germany pay reparations The USSR persuaded Eastern European governments to turn Communist, becoming USSR satellite states (under Communist influence of the USSR). The division in Europe became known as the Iron Curtain.

4 Containment With Russia expanding Communism, the question became what to do about it Diplomat George Kennan wrote the “Long Telegram:” Russia feared the west and communism should be dealt with via containment, making sure it did not spread Truman created Truman Doctrine: protecting free governance The Marshall Plan was designed to help Europe’s economy after WWII, the USSR satellites rejected it.

5 Berlin Airlift The non-Soviet sections of Germany merged to form West Germany, the Soviet Section became known as East Germany In response, the USSR cut off West Berlin, the US responded with an airlift of supplies The US spearheaded NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, as a defensive pact against Soviet influence. The Soviets organized the Warsaw Pact in response

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