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Reaching for spirituality

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Presentation on theme: "Reaching for spirituality"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reaching for spirituality
Weightier matters Mk 12:28-34 Mt 5:20

2 Reaching for spirituality
Where do we look? Finding Spirituality in Life True Spirituality can only be found through the one true God who created us All others lack lasting substance Struggle is real, even for Christians

3 Reaching for spirituality
Where do we look? In the Church Mt 23:23-24, Focus on Doctrine in Absence of the Spiritual One Dimensional Christianity Lacks Heb 5:11-6:3, Babes vs. mature II Pet 1:5-11, Add to’s; The Blind One dimensional Christianity: No such thing! Doctrine, discipline, mercy, justice, love Pharisees were one dimensional spiritually: Doctrine

4 Reaching for spirituality
The Weightier matters Mt 23:23 - Faithful Definitions (Previous Lessons): Judgment – giving what is deserved Mercy – not giving what is deserved Grace – giving what is not deserved Pity - sympathetic sorrow Compassion - sympathetic sorrow with a desire to alleviate Mt 23:23, these three are things one does or gives; not necessarily what one receives. Jesus assigns the responsibility to give these

5 Reaching for spirituality
The Weightier matters Mt 23:23 - Faithful All Makeup the Nature of God Judgment Mercy Grace Pity Compassion

6 Reaching for spirituality
The Weightier matters Mt 23:23 - Faithful Definitions: Faith – (Greek Pistis) Thayer, conviction of the truth of anything, belief; fidelity, faithfulness Barns, a man faithful to his word and promises; a man who can be trusted or confided in. To be – Faithful, devoted, loyal, trustworthy Faith is used in different ways in scripture. Here the intent is that one is faithful to… in all things. Employees are faithful (reliable) Timely, effort, To business, boss, team, etc.

7 Reaching for spirituality
The Weightier matters Mt 23:23 - Faithful An Attribute of God: Gen 9:8-17, Faithful to Noah’s Promise Gen 12:1-3, Faithful to Abraham’s Promise Rom 3:3, regardless if Israel was faithful

8 Reaching for spirituality
The Weightier matters Mt 23:23 - Faithful An Attribute of God: I Cor 1:9, 10:13, God is faithful I Pet 4:19, faithful creator I Jn 1:9, faithful to forgive He has established his word, his plan, he will stand by it. Nothing will change in it. He will perform it. Good and the bad

9 Reaching for spirituality
The Weightier matters Mt 23:23 - Faithful Faith is Developed Rom 10:17, So then faith comes by hearing Jn 20:30-31, word written so we might have faith I Jn 5:13, written unto you that believe Many many more references to this in scripture.

10 Reaching for spirituality
The Weightier matters Mt 23:23 - Faithful Faith without Faithfulness Faith is something we have Faithfulness is something we do They do not necessarily coexist

11 Reaching for spirituality
The Weightier matters Mt 23:23 - Faithful Faith without Faithfulness Mt 7:21-23, Faith to call Jesus Lord Acts 4:32-5:11, Ananias and Sapphira Jn 3:1-2 Nicodemus Jas 2:17, faith without works is dead

12 Reaching for spirituality
The Weightier matters Mt 23:23 - Faithful We are to be Faithful to God Mk 7:5-13, Pharisees & Scribes Mt 25:14-30, The parable of the talents Until death Rev 2:10, be faithful until death Mt 24:11-13, endure unto the end

13 Reaching for spirituality
The Weightier matters Mt 23:23 - Faithful We are to be Faithful to Jesus I Cor 11:27-29, Lords Supper We are to be Faithful to the Holy Spirit Mt 12:31-32, Blasphemy II Tim 2:15, Rightly divide word

14 Reaching for spirituality
The Weightier matters Mt 23:23 - Faithful We are to be Faithful to the Church Heb 10:23-25, assembly plus: provoke and exhort one another Confusing Devotion and Loyalty with Meritorious works Regardless of where we are: Make time.

15 Reaching for spirituality
The Weightier matters Mt 23:23 - Faithful Definitions: Judgment – giving what is deserved Mercy – not giving what is deserved Grace – giving what is not deserved Pity - sympathetic sorrow Compassion - sympathetic sorrow with a desire to alleviate Faith - To be devoted, faithful, loyal, trustworthy Multiple dimension of Christianity/Spirituality. Any one lacking then we are lacking Process of growth and development

16 Reaching for spirituality
The Weightier matters Mt 23:23 - Faithful Lessons An attribute of God Developed Faith and Faithful Must Coincide We Must be Faithful to: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Church

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