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PHOTOSYNTHESIS YouTube - Photosynthesis Song.

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1 PHOTOSYNTHESIS YouTube - Photosynthesis Song

2 6CO2 + 6H2O  C6H12O6 + 6O2 Part I Photosynthesis
An anabolic (synthesize from smaller molecules), endergonic (energy absorbing), CO2 requiring process uses light energy (photons) and H2O produces organic macromolecules (glucose). 6CO H2O  C6H12O O2 3 glucose SUN photons

3 All Together Now Light Dependent Light InDependent Name this process!

4 Question: Where does photosynthesis take place?

5 In Plants and Cyanobacteria
Autotrophs: self-producers. Important Areas in/on leaves a. stoma b. mesophyll cells 56 Mesophyll Cell Chloroplast Stoma


7 Stomata (stoma) Pores in a plant’s cuticle; H2O and gases exchanged between plant and atmosphere Oxygen (O2) Guard Cell Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

8 Actual Stoma Guard Cell

9 Stoma

10 Actual Leaf X-section Mesophyll Cells Guard Cell

11 Mesophyll Cell Nucleus Cell Wall Chloroplast Central Vacuole

12 Sci league

13 Chloroplast Inner Membranes

14 Photosynthesis Reactions
O Light Dependent - Takes place in Thylakoid - Requires Light Energy O Light Independent (Dark/C3) - Takes place in stroma - Does not require light energy

15 Question: Why are plants green?

16 Because of; Chlorophyll Molecules
In thylakoid membranes. Chlorophyll has Mg+ in the center.(see handout) Chlorophyll pigments absorb certain wavelengths (blue and red are most important). Plants are green because the green wavelength is reflected, not absorbed.

17 Pigment Structure

18 Wavelength of Light (um)
(short) V I B G Y O R (long) High Energy Low Energy


20 Absorption of Chlorophyll
violet blue green yellow orange red Absorption Short Wavelength long

21 Engleman’s Experiment:
Can you figure it out? What did he learn?

22 Question: During the fall, what causes the leaves to change colors?

23 Fall Colors Accessory pigments present.
During Fall, chlorophyll pigments are reduced (destroyed) revealing other pigments. Carotenoids are pigments that are either red or yellow.



26 Part II Light Dependent Reactions
1. Two main parts (photosystems I & II). 2. PSII Produces ATP and PSI Produces NADPH. (energy carrying molecules) They are used and then recycled as ADP and NADP+ ATP  ADP P energy NADPH  NADP + energy H+

27 Light Independent Reactions
o Calvin Cycle; also called; Light Independent Reaction or C3 Cycle o ATP and NADPH from Light Dependent o Makes 3C glucose (carbs)

28 Light Dependent Reaction (Electron Flow)
Occurs in the Thylakoid membranes Light reaction has two possible routes for electron flow. A. Cyclic Electron Flow B. Noncyclic Electron Flow

29 Cyclic electron flow Once in a while, an excited electron from PSI's primary electron acceptor will "short circuit" and pop over to Fd and back into the electron transport chain between PSII and PSI, instead of to NADP+ reductase. This will produce more ATP (and is a good supplement), but no NADP-H. It's probably an accident of the proximity of the various molecules, but because it's not deleterious there has been no selection pressure against it. It just happens.

30 Cyclic Electron Flow P Occurs in thylakoid membrane
(primitive autotrophs: ____________ ) Photosystem I only No O2 produced P700 reaction center Uses ETC Generates ATP only ADP ATP 7/8 P (Energy + enzyme)


32 Cyclic Electron Flow SUN ATP e- produced by ETC Photons Photosystem I
Primary Electron Acceptor e- ATP produced by ETC Photosystem I Accessory Pigments SUN Photons

33 Overall Dependent Non Cyclic Reactions
(Z scheme) P700 Chemiosmosis Photosystem I P680 Animation Animation Animation Photosystem II

34 Noncyclic Electron Flow
Thylakoid membrane PS II and PS I P680 rxn center (PSII) - chlorophyll a P700 rxn center (PS I) - chlorophyll a Uses Electron Transport Chain (ETC) Generates O2, ATP and NADPH

35 Noncyclic Electron Flow
ADP +  ATP NADP+ + H  NADPH O2 from splitting of H2O, not CO2 H2O  /2 O2 + 2H+ P (Reduced) (Reduced) (Oxidized)

36 Oxidation / Reduction Oxidation: Reduction:
Is the loss of electrons/H in a reaction Reduction: Is the gain of electrons/H in a reaction

37 Chemiosmosis H+ ion conc. Builds up in stroma (fluid) from H2O breakdown ETC potential energy pumps more protons (H+) into thylakoids to help build up gradient Powers ATP synthesis. Thylakoid membranes. ETC and ATP synthase (enzyme) make ATP. Phosphorylation: phosphate plus ADP make ATP.

38 PSII: (Chemiosmosis) 1. 2. ATPsynthase
e- loses energy down ETC; pumps protons into thylakoid 1. 2. 2H2O  O2 + 4H+ + e- ATPsynthase

39 PSII (Chemiosmosis) Phosphorylation (ATP making) High H+ concentration
Low H+ concentration

40 Final Analysis Light Dependent Reactions
1. Requires Light Energy 2. Products are; o ATP (energy molecule) o NADPH (energy molecule) o Free Oxygen O2 3


42 Light Dependent / Independent Reactions
PER 10

43 Part III Calvin Cycle Light Independent Rxn / C3 Carbon Fixation: Carbon from CO2 and built into larger carbon compounds (glucose) Takes place in the Stroma Uses ATP and NADPH from _____?_____. Produces glucose: Takes 6 turns and uses 18 ATP and 12 NADPH.

44 Calvin Cycle (C3) 30C 36C 6C Start Animation (RuBisco)
(Ribulose Biphosphate) (Phosphoglyceric Acid) Period 1 7/8 PGAL synth And 10 PGAL PGAL (Phosphoglyceraldehyde) PGAL 6C 2 PGAL available Start Animation

45 3 Carbon Fixation (RuBisCO) 3 RBP 6 PGA 5 PGAL 6 PGAL 1 PGAL

46 Review Photosystems Review Calvin Benson Cycle Review


48 Photosynthesis + + H2O CO2 Energy Calvin Cycle Chloroplast O2 C6H12O6
ATP and NADPH2 Which splits water Light is Adsorbed By Chlorophyll Calvin Cycle ADP NADP Chloroplast Used Energy and is recycled. O2 + C6H12O6 Light Dependent Light Independent

49 Part IV Plant Adaptations
C3 Plants Control of water loss big problem for plants (dehydration with stoma open) C3 plants form 3-C compound Ex. Soybeans, wheat, rice, oats Have problems in dry weather Closed stoma means no CO2 for Calvin Cycle

50 Plant adaptations C4 plants (Hatch-Slack cycle )
Takes CO2 in during day (stoma partially closed) Saves as 4C. Uses enzyme PEPC: (phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase) Examples: (corn, crabgrass) Can release CO2 to Calvin Cycle while stoma is closed Conserves water while making sugar

51 C4 Cycle

52 Plant adaptations CAM plants (Crassulacean Acid Metabolism)
Stoma closed during day (limits H2O loss) succulents (cactus) Takes in CO2 at night for use during daytime CO2 released to Calvin Cycle during day

53 CAM Night Time Stomata open. CO2 taken in (very little water lost)
CO2 is fixed by PEPCase Stored in form of malic acid.

54 CAM Day Time Stomata close.
CO2 removed from malic acid & added to RuBP Now do Calvin Cycle

55 CAM Plants Night (Stomates Open) Day (Stomates Closed) Vacuole C-C-C-C
Malate CO2 C3 C-C-C Pyruvic acid ATP PEP glucose

56 Final Conclusions 1. CO2 source of most organic molecules on earth. Light reactions provide (ATP) and (NADPH) to make Organic Compounds. 3. Chemiosmosis makes ATP in ETC. Calvin Cycle fixes C into organic molecules per cycle. 5. End result of Calvin cycle is 3 C sugar.

57 More Final Conclusions
Rubisco most important protein on earth. CO2 diffuse into stomata; H2O diffuses out. C4 & CAM plants use PEP to fix Carbon. CAM plants store CO2 at night (cool & humid)

58 What do plants and heterotrophs do with glucose made in photosynthsis?
Source of energy! Energy retrieved by the process of Cellular Respiration Takes place in the mitochondria

59 Respiration & Photosynthesis

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