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Annotations (Note Taking Techniques)

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1 Annotations (Note Taking Techniques)

2 Annotating Annotations are marking in around a writing (paragraph, novel, textbook, etc...) that quickly indicate the main idea of the work TO ANNOTATE: Highlight main ideas (Thesis Statement) Highlight major supporting details (Topic Sentences) Highlight key terms Develop a system of notations Mark the text after the first reading The markings indicate points to review for an exam. Highlight with a colored marker.

3 Basic Note taking Write brief sentences summaries of important textbook information. Highlight key terms

4 The Cornell Method Create a two-and-one-half-inch margin for noting key words. Create a six-inch area on the right for sentence summaries After reading a section, jot down sentence summaries in the six-inch area. Use your own words. Include main ideas & significant supporting details. Use complete sentences. Underline keywords from summary sentences.

5 Outlining Include only what you need to remember.
Use a numbering system & indentations. Get a general overview before you start. Use phrases rather than sentences. Put it in your own words. Be selective. Indicate key terms with a yellow marker.

6 Mapping Mapping offers a visual organization for learners with a preference for spatial representation. It provides a quick overview of an article or a chapter. Mapping can be used to reduce notes for later study.

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