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Request for Information IDC Granularity Option 3/3A

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1 Request for Information IDC Granularity Option 3/3A
Jeff Norman May 11, 2005

2 What does NERC want to know?
Technological feasibility Estimated project cost Cost per phase Cost of individual options Estimated project development time Possible venders

3 What does the ORS want to know?
Can the granularity of the IDC be significantly increased? Can a replacement to the existing IDC optimally minimize the overall re-dispatch cost in order to effectively relieve a constraint within an acceptable period of time? Can Option3/3A be developed at an acceptable cost?

4 Timeline May 13, 2005 – Official RFI is released
June 8, RFI responses are due September 2005 – NERC business case January 2006 – Release of RFP

5 Structure of the RFI Project Description Introduction
Selection Procedure and Rules Background Vender Questions Business Requirements Technical Requirements Vender Requirements Price Quality Development and Testing Other

6 Introduction and Rules
Defines the purpose and contents of the RFI. Selection Procedure and Rules Defines the response deadline, acceptable contents of a response, and where to submit the responses to the RFI.

7 Who is NERC? Non-profit corporation consisting ten regional reliability councils Sets reliability standards, conducts industry audits, and manages the development of reliability tools Policy, standards, and projects are determined and approved by NERC committees Annual funding is approved by the NERC Board of Trustees, and assessed to the NERC Regions

8 The current IDC process
During a TLR transactions with a 5% or higher TDF are subject to curtailment Impacts Reliability The TLR process requires a significant amount of time to implement Impacts cost A significant number of transactions may need to be curtailed in order to achieve a small amount of relief

9 IDC Granularity Option 3
Intended to “optimally minimize the overall cost of re-dispatch in order to effectively relieve a constraint within an acceptable period of time” i.e. re-dispatch with financial resolution Tool is to be developed in phases, beginning with the ability to provide equivalent relief to that provided by the existing IDC.

10 Assignment of Relief Responsibility
Relief responsibility will be assigned via transaction, as described by the IRR/TRR process in Option 3A Transactional Relief Responsibility (TRR) assigns financial responsibility for the cost of re-dispatch to the TPs responsible for the congestion

11 Re-dispatch Options & Considerations
Options include Inc/dec generation pairs Coordinated movement of multiple units across multiple flow gates Voluntary curtailments based upon pricing signals Considerations include Start-up and ramping capabilities Financial impacts Effect of re-dispatch on next contingency analysis

12 Data and System Considerations
1,800 flow gates with a base case of over 50,000 elements Available through E-Tags, ICCP, TSIN… System analysis Re-dispatch and financial responsibility must be determined in under 15 minutes (preferably less than 5 minutes)


14 Required Features Study Module for determining re-dispatch alternatives Module for viewing relevant factors Module for reviewing Predicted flows CH and NH flows 20, 40, 60 minute look ahead

15 NERC Contractual Requirements
Security Data Hardware and development languages System availability Application distribution

16 Vender Input Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the requested functionality of the tool Identify any limitations to developing this tool Provide a break-down of cost and development time based upon a phased implementation Demonstrate relevant experience

17 NERC Contacts Brian Nolan –
Jeff Norman – Larry Kezele – NERC Office:

18 Questions?

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