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6th Grade Science Mrs. Schneider

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Presentation on theme: "6th Grade Science Mrs. Schneider"— Presentation transcript:

1 6th Grade Science Mrs. Schneider
Welcome Parents 6th Grade Science Mrs. Schneider

2 Your child will learn about…
Lab Safety Force and Motion Physical and Chemical Reactions Cells Space Living and Non-Living Energy Classifications Earth Forces/Atmosphere/Weather

3 Student Daily Routines
Students are welcomed Students are to take any handout/worksheets from back table Students are to find their folder and composition notebooks Students are to start their daily warm up and answer it Students are not to talk during warm up (approximately 5 minutes)

4 Student Daily Routines
It is student’s responsibility to get any absent work out of the absent box in the back of the room Teacher will go over or check warm up answer Class instruction will begin Every Monday, students will copy the weeks agenda Parents, please check your child’s agenda

5 Parent/Student/Teacher
Communication is important Call and leave message Conference Period 12:40 – 1:33

6 Student Tardies – BMS Policy
1 : Warning 2 : Phone call to Parents 3-4 : Discipline Referral leading to Lunch Detention 5 :  Discipline Referral leading to After-School Detention 6 : Parent Conference and Delayed Release 7+ : ISS and Delayed Release for a Minimum of Two Weeks

7 Teacher Philosophy In my class, I work to create a successful environment for students to believe in their own natural talents and abilities regardless of student’s back ground or life experiences.

8 Student Grades Posted in the back by student ID # 60% Tests/Major Labs
40% Daily Parent Portal – NEW Parents must register

9 Late Work Barton Middle School Late Policy
1 day late – highest possible grade 70. 2 days late – student will receive a zero Long term assignments – Late work will not be accepted *current policy

10 Teacher Website Go to Barton Middle School Website Teacher Directory
Find Mrs. Schneider Click on link

11 Teacher Website Worksheets, notes, homework, powerpoints
Research websites Videos Hints to improve study habits Due to changes in State standards, teacher website will be a work in progress

12 Teacher Website

13 Teacher Website

14 Teacher Website – Extra Credit

15 Thank You Please feel free to contact me at any time.

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