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Welcome to today’s Webinar We will begin shortly

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to today’s Webinar We will begin shortly"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to today’s Webinar We will begin shortly
Materials can be found at the following website:

2 2015-16 Consolidated District Performance Report (CDPR)
ESEA CDPR Title I-A: Students and Programs 15 – 16 August 3, 2016

3 Agenda: Welcome Data Collection Window Support Materials
Data Elements Explanation Changes for from last year

4 Support Materials Consolidated District Performance Report: Data Collection User Guide (March 24, 2016) Today’s PowerPoint Slides

5 Data Collection Window
Opens August 11, 2016 Closes September 23, 2016

6 Items 1 – 32: Schoolwide Program Performance and Proficiency Levels in Reading and Math
What is being requested These data points are asking how many students took statewide assessments in Math and Reading and how many students met or exceeded the proficiency level Performance Level Student Count means how many students completed the assessment and received a score? Proficient Level Student Count means of the Performance Level Student Count, how many students met or exceeded the proficiency level on the assessment?

7 Items 1 – 32: Schoolwide Program Performance and Proficiency Levels in Reading and Math
Data Checks The District Performance level count must equal the combined total of the individual Grade-level Performance level counts The District Proficiency level count must equal the combined total of individual Grade-level Proficiency level counts The Proficiency level counts are a subset of the Performance level counts and therefore the total must be a lower number

8 Items 33 – 64: TAS Program Performance and Proficiency Levels in Reading and Math
What is being requested These data points are asking how many students took statewide assessments in Math and Reading and how many students met or exceeded the proficiency level Performance Level Student Count means how many students completed the assessment and received a score? Proficient Level Student Count means of the Performance Level Student Count, how many students met or exceeded the proficiency level on the assessment?

9 Items 33 – 64: TAS Program Performance and Proficiency Levels in Reading and Math
Data Checks The District Performance level count must equal the combined total of individual Grade-level Performance level counts. This count is for all students in the Title I building The District Proficiency level count must equal the combined total of individual Grade-level Proficiency level counts and includes all students in the school regardless of whether or not they were served in the TAS program The Proficiency level counts are a subset of the Performance level counts and therefore must be a lower number

10 Items 65 – 68: Students with Disabilities, Limited English Proficient, Homeless and Migrant Students
What is being requested These data points are asking for an unduplicated count of how many students in these subgroups were served in both Targeted Assistance and Schoolwide programs. Some students may be counted in one or all of these categories depending on his/her designation Even if a child leaves and then returns to the building/district, he/she is only counted once within each appropriate category These counts are not included in other counts, but rather are a subset of those counts (to be clarified later)

11 Items 69 – 75: Race and Ethnicity
What is being requested These data points are asking an unduplicated count of students by Race and Ethnicity who were served in both Schoolwide and Targeted Assistance programs. The total of all seven Race and Ethnicity categories are used by the USED to validate data elsewhere in the CDPR

12 Items 69 – 75: Race and Ethnicity
Reporting Race and Ethnicity data for CDPR States must report the data in the following seven aggregated racial ethnic categories: Hispanic/Latino of any race (Note: Respondents who identify as Hispanic/Latino ethnicity will be reported as “Hispanic/Latino,” regardless of the race they identify.) For individuals who are non-Hispanic/Latino: American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African-American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Two or more races (Note: The “two or more races” category is used for only non-Hispanic/Latinos who identify multiple races.)

13 Items 69 – 75: Race and Ethnicity
Data Checks It is important to count each student in only one Race/Ethnicity category The total of all seven Race/Ethnicity categories will be used to validate other counts (to be described later)

14 Items 76 – 91: Title IA TAS Student Count Items 92 – 107: Title IA SWP Program Student Count
What is being requested These data points are asking an unduplicated count of students by Age and Grade level who were served in both Schoolwide and Targeted Assistance programs. In Schoolwide programs this means all students In Targeted Assistance programs this means only those students who were served in the program The total counts in both SWP and TAS is used by the USED to validate data elsewhere in the CDPR

15 A word about Ungraded Student Count (Item 91 (TAS) and Item 107 (SWP))
What is being requested This is only to be used when a school operates an ungraded system as opposed to designating students as Grade 1, Grade 2, etc. This data point is not the sum of students reported in the “other” age and grade categories.

16 Items 76 – 107 Age and Grade Data Checks
It is important to count each student only once regardless of whether they exited and then re-entered the program or school The total count of both TAS and/or SWP participants must equal the total count of all Race/Ethnicity categories

17 Items 108 – 123 Private School Participation
What is being requested These data points are asking an unduplicated count of students by Age and Grade level who were served in Private School Title I-A program Please note that Item 123 is requesting an Ungraded Student Count. Use this only if the Private School does not designate students by individual grade levels (e.g., Grade 1, etc.)

18 Items 124 – 150: Remaining Items
What is being requested Items 124 – 139 are for those districts that received funding for neglected students in their Title I-A allocation Items 140 – 145 is the count of students who received supplemental services through Title I-A in various core content areas Items 146 – 150 is count and/or comment about other services under Title I-A

19 Contact Information For Data Questions Russ Sweet, Education Specialist (503) Emily Swope, Administrative Support (503) For problems with the web-based tool ODE Helpdesk (503)

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