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And the export certification to European Union

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1 And the export certification to European Union
TRACES TRAde Control and Expert System And the export certification to European Union Reykjavik July 2009 Annelies VAN RANST Didier CARTON DG SANCO - Unité D1 –Santé animale et comités permanents

2 TRACES OBJECTIVES: vet single windows
TRACES is an e-government system for certification, notification, help to the decision and controls of the importations and intra communautary movements. Available to EU and non EU competent veterinary authorities. To improve the sanitary protection of EU.

3 TRACES POLICY AREAS Animal Health Animal Welfare (EU exclusive)
Veterinary Public Health

4 TRACES GOALS Control of animals and animal products;
Outbreaks: trace back and forth; Assistance in decision-making; Central risk assessment and warning; Reduction in administrative workload.

5 TRACES Internet link via web browser Restricted access
ARCHITECTURE AND ACCESS Internet link via web browser Restricted access Notification of message by Workflow between economic operators and competent authorities


7 TRACES Import module: 1/3C users

8 TRACES Creation (1/3C EO,LCA,RCA) export certificates
Import module: workflow Creation (1/3C EO,LCA,RCA) export certificates Validation (CA Origin) TRACES Control(EU BIP)

9 TRACES Import module: Certificates
Availability of all import certificates:140 Last updated and in force version In 22 EU official languages NB: Annex VI R (CE) 854/2004

10 TRACES Import module: help to decision basis legislation IMPORT
Consolidated version 22 EU official languages Certificate models

11 TRACES Import module: Process Electronic notification to the EU BIP
Printing of certificates in desired EU languages Automatic transfer IMPORT to CVED

12 TRACES Import module: Follow up
Direct access of the import decision CVED Electronic notification to the exporting country in case of rejection Indirect information via RASFF

13 TRACES New Caledonia 25/02/2008 Morocco 12/05/2008
Import module : third countries implementation New Caledonia 25/02/2008 Morocco 12/05/2008 Faroes islands 17/06/2008 Croatia 01/02/2009 Mayotte 08/04/2009 Mauritius 05/05/2009

14 TRACES BENEFITS Avoidance of resources redundancy
Standard application of laws and procedures Work simplification for official services Increase in security and speed of data transmission

15 TRACES BENEFITS Cooperation between services Fight against fraud
Speed up of BIP administrative procedures Provision to trade partners updated and translated certificates Direct access to the EU decisions


17 TRACES Glossary BIP: Border Inspection Post LVU: Local Veterinary Unit
CCA: Central Competent Authority EO: Economic Operator TRANSITAIR: EO at the border CVED: Common Veterinary Entry Document Animal/Product INTRA: Intra trade certificate IMPORT: Import certificate into EU ADM: Administrator TRACES MS: EU Member states EC: European Commission 1/3C: Third country vis à vis EU LCA: 1/3C Local Competent Authority RCA: Regional Competent Authority

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